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badge lady not wearing mask in mall again!


I am unvaccinated and I have no worries. 3 jabs within a year and you are still so concern about breathing in and spreading the "virus"? Where is the confidence you have repeatedly shown for the MRNA vaccines? SG Mask mandates only applies to public transport and healthcare settings, as we speak.
Have you taken your 2nd booster?
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I don't give a fark if you're jabbed or not.

I am merely pointing out a fact to correct your irresponsible postings of misinformation.


I don't give a fark if you're jabbed or not.

I am merely pointing out a fact to correct your irresponsible postings of misinformation.
Misinformation? We had mask mandates together with social distancing previously. How did the not so contagious delta variant cases surge towards the end of 2021?
Clearly, the mask makers do not agree with you.





You are using a product disclaimer to justify masks are useless? You are a bigger moron than I thought.

Thank you for bringing up this 2020 article. Looking at what has transpired, indeed, masks prove to be useless. Doesn't prevent one from getting and transmitting the virus at all. Amazing what time can do to all this misinformation from CDC and fact checkers. Remember? It was not too long ago when they said you get vaccinated you don't get covid?


Thank you for bringing up this 2020 article. Looking at what has transpired, indeed, masks prove to be useless. Doesn't prevent one from getting and transmitting the virus at all. Amazing what time can do to all this misinformation from CDC and fact checkers. Remember? It was not too long ago when they said you get vaccinated you don't get covid?
I was using the article to counter your misinformation.

You, the medical deliveryman and all the rest of the deplorables here are just lucky all your good and sensible parents vaccinated all of you when you were babies. If they had listened to irresponsible people like yourself spreading all kinds of CTs and lies and chose not to believe in science and data, you would not have been here posting all these shit.


I was using the article to counter your misinformation.

You, the medical deliveryman and all the rest of the deplorables here are just lucky all your good and sensible parents vaccinated all of you when you were babies. If they had listened to irresponsible people like yourself spreading all kinds of CTs and lies and chose not to believe in science and data, you would not have been here posting all these shit.
The article you shared, itself is a piece of misinformation. Masks don't work. The result is out for all to see. The maker of the masks was right. It's 2022, we are no more in 2020. You can shove this article up your ass. The vaccines don't work either.
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The article you shared, itself is a piece of misinformation. Masks don't work. The result is out for all to see. The maker of the masks was right. It's 2022, we are no more in 2020. You can shove this article up your ass. The vaccines don't work either.
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Don't get your panties in a bunch just because your nonsense is fact-checked and you have no defense. :biggrin: Facts are facts however you spin it: Masks help to stop spread and vaccines prevent deaths.:thumbsup:

Three-quarters of the world's population is happily vaccinated and moving on with life along with 98% of locals. They believe in science and data and are telling you to go shove all your CTs and crazy lies and misinformation up YOUR ass. :FU:

If you're so dead set against vaccination and believes the whole of the medical world is out to kill everyone, why don't you go fark your parents for doing the right thing and vaccinated you when you were a baby. Farking moron!


Don't get your panties in a bunch just because your nonsense is fact-checked and you have no defense. :biggrin: Facts are facts however you spin it: Masks help to stop spread and vaccines prevent deaths.:thumbsup:

Three-quarters of the world's population is happily vaccinated and moving on with life along with 98% of locals. They believe in science and data and are telling you to go shove all your CTs and crazy lies and misinformation up YOUR ass. :FU:

If you're so dead set against vaccination and believes the whole of the medical world is out to kill everyone, why don't you go fark your parents for doing the right thing and vaccinated you when you were a baby. Farking moron!

Still relying on fact checkers? Your defense on using masks and MRNA vaccines are getting weaker and weaker. You should notice by now the googling skill you exhibited in 2020 and 2021 is not as effective now. The real life statistics have proven otherwise. Both are useless.
I have never seen anyone worried about getting something they have been vaccinated for. Tells you how effective these vaccines are.

Straight from the horse's mouth.



So 28 Aug at 23:59:59:99, it is very dangerous in retails and malls and need to wear a mask,
Then at 29 Aug 00:00:00:00, VOILA, suddenly become super safe!!!! No need mask anymore, suddenly.



So 28 Aug at 23:59:59:99, it is very dangerous in retails and malls and need to wear a mask,
Then at 29 Aug 00:00:00:00, VOILA, suddenly become super safe!!!! No need mask anymore, suddenly.

View attachment 157408
That's because 98% are fully vaccinated and well protected from severe covid. Because of this, we can now remove 90% of curbs and transit into a post-pandemic era and live with the disease, you dumbass.

98% of us, along with 3/4 of the world's population are telling you to go take your crazy CTs, lies and misinformation and shove them up your ass. :FU:


Ya, the vaccines is working after 98% of the population are fully vaccinated.

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Meaning of vaccination from preventing and producing immunity became protection.



Australia NSW withdrawing and refunding CONvid fines. As more truth and real science coming out, I can see it leading to Nuremberg 2.0 trial.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Australia NSW withdrawing and refunding CONvid fines. As more truth and real science coming out, I can see it leading to Nuremberg 2.0 trial.

Excellent. The Padang is a great place for public hangings. Tourists will enjoy the spectacle.