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Backpedaling time


Fauci now says he wanted to keep the school's open during the plandemic.
Here's a reminder.





Australian medical practitioners can now prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19 among other diseases under new rules confirmed by the nation’s therapeutic goods authority.


New Post: "Another Lockdown Authoritarian Tries To Weasel Out Of Responsibility For Role During Pandemic"

Another Lockdown Authoritarian Tries To Weasel Out Of Responsibility For Role During Pandemic

Another lockdown fanatic is attempting to rewrite history.
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (which coordinated with the DOJ to label concerned parents domestic terrorists), claimed this week in front of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, that her organization "spent every day from February on trying to get schools open," adding "We knew that remote education was not a substitute for opening schools."
AFT President Randi Weingarten: "We spent every day from February on trying to get schools open. We knew that remote education was not a substitute for opening schools."

April 26, 2023

Except, as Twitter users quickly noted, Weingarten is misrepresenting her prior positions - having called attempts to reopen schools in the fall of 2020 "reckless, callous and cruel."
What's more, her union pushed aggressively for closures at the local level, while areas with high union influence remained closed much longer.
As the Epoch Times notes;
Throughout questioning, Weingarten appeared to ramble and change the topic frequently, twice pleading her age and failing memory as a reason for lacking clarity.
“Look, I’m 65 years old. I don’t remember anything anymore. I’m sorry,” she said. When admonished for not responding directly to a question, she said, “Sorry, I’m just slow.”
Weingarten insisted that she and the AFT placed a high value on in-person education, understood the harmful effects of prolonged school closure on students, and felt “terrified” as they fended for themselves to define safety and operational policies in the absence of guidance from the Trump administration.
“What we were simply looking for was clear, scientific guidance. And when we couldn’t get it, we did it ourselves,” she said.
So, Randi is full of shit, once again.
Other lockdown all-stars, Anthony Fauci and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, have also claimed they didn't force anyone to do anything.



If one day I should stop posting, please remember me in your thoughts and prayers. The vaccine got me.:frown:
You've had a good run at life. Everybody will die. It's the great equalizer.
I've lived too long to find out that this world isn't for me and hope Allah makes it short but painless.
Only the people that are close to me make this earthly presence fleetingly enjoyable.
So teach this to your kids: never trust anyone. Esp ones wanting to stick a needle in you for free.
Heng I didn't take mRNA. :hahaha:


Old Fart
You've had a good run at life. Everybody will die. It's the great equalizer.
I've lived too long to find out that this world isn't for me and hope Allah makes it short but painless.
Only the people that are close to me make this earthly presence fleetingly enjoyable.
So teach this to your kids: never trust anyone. Esp ones wanting to stick a needle in you for free.
Heng I didn't take mRNA. :hahaha:
Yes everyone dies. And I prefer myocarditis to cancer, or to wither away due to old age. I didn't know about this side effect of the mRNA vaacine, so it is a bonus.:thumbsup:

I am old and tired, ready to check out. This world isn't for me either. The way Sg and everywhere else is heading, it's becoming more and more a fucked place that I want no part in.:biggrin: