I thought its counter-strike.
cock sucker. Can substitute with camel sex:p
cock sucker. Can substitute with camel sex:p
I must admit, out west you need a car. Do you know under council ruling no house or building can be more then 3 stories? Hence the wide open space you see there. If you are interested, check out ropes crossing, if you want to spend a bit more check out Jordan spring. There is a retirement village at ropes, I think prices there is even lesser but on the condition you are like over 55 or something.
I'm guessing you are waiting for your children education to finish first? Sure, its not 15min from the city, fast train is around 45min. But there are shopping centers near there within 15min by car. Penrith, Blacktown, even Parramatta are major hubs you can go to. Think of the shopping centers as being spread out rather then build up like in the city.
Bro Ash, car is cheap in Oz. With a good car, one can go anywhere in Oz. Have seen some Perth cars on Sydney road. Perth is at the other end of a continent!
Council ruling about 3 storey? There is height restrictions (neighbour must have sufficent sunlight) and zoning restrictions (to ensure no overbuilding as well as meeting with the suburb masterplan).
Thanks for sharing on Ropes Crossing and Jordan Springs. Both are being developed by Lend Lease. I am surprised to find housing so really affordable in that part of the Sydney.
Almost all the properties in Ropes Crossing cost less than $500,000. Only 4 out of the list of 132 properties listed in Domain.com crossed that magical $500,000 line. For less than $500,000, one can get up to 4 bedrooms, 2 bath and 2 car space. This is really good value!!
For A$299k, one can find a brand new villa in a retirement village (me ah pek and thus qualified :o)
Wide open land, clean fresh air and clear blue sky! I am imaging little Ash growing up, running around in the back yard having so much fun. I am also imaging Ash Sr & Mrs Ash bringing Ash Jr to the park nearby to explore nature. While Mrs Ash and Ash Jr are busy looking at flowers, plants, trees and what not, Ash Sr is busy ogling away ha ha. This is wonderful, balanced, family life. What a happy family!!
Over here in Kingsford, it is hard to find a good 2 bedroom apartment with 2 bath and a car space and facilities such as pool, gym etc for less than $500k now. It used to be more.
Kingsford, 7 km from the CBD, is not an expensive area. In fact, Kingsford is cheaper than Kensington, the neighbouring suburb.
The most expensive area suburd in Sydney now is Point Piper.
In SG, folks do not have that wide choice. Interestingly, the prostitutes at Braddel Road kept repeating that Sydney properties are very expensive. And we have some dafts who truly believe it wholesale and parrot the same all over.
You go for 600K you can build a mansion! If you are patient, and have the cash, you can pick your block of land, get a builder, customised how many rooms, how many toilet, how many rumpus room you want!
That is the idea moving out west, I've grown tired of living among "Asians". I think a change of pace, and environment will be great. Why I migrate and everywhere I see Asian. I might as well don't migrate.
One of the famous restaurant in Parramatta is called Temasek, guess where the owner is from?
I never liked apartment living, the strata fees are just not what I want. Why pay for something that you might not even use!? Sure, a gym and pool are nice. But you can go to a public swimming pool and gym when you want! Plus, there are other activity out west then these. If you like nature, and if you looked at ropes, its surrounded by parks, trees that the developer designed to give a more natural feel. Take sometime and go there, I felt very relaxed the first time I was there.
I would love to have it done if I am 20 years younger. Most people of my age are looking at downsizing. It will happen when the kids got married.
Also, at my age, cleaning up the place is quite tiring.
Not necessary. For one, I avoided the hot and humid climate of Sg. Also, the concentration of Asian here is not like in SG.
Been there. It is a small place serving SG food. But it is quite a distance for me when I have heaps of choice here. :p
True true, till today, I have not used the pool nor the gym :(
Yes, one day I will, when I go visit you.
The retirement village at ropes very close to the supermarket and near me as well.
Hee hee, I got your hint.![]()
there are no surf in switzerland and everyone is a stuck up.
nobody makes reputable watches in australia.
if einstein was born in australia, he will end up as a beach bum.
takes away all the money from asians migrating to australia and the economy will shrink drastically.
your kid also can get new houses there when they start a family also. I think i'll be another 10 years before everything is build up and sold there.
Bro syed, selamat hari raya ...
hiya, why must make reputable watches?
Even if Einstein is a beach bum, somebody will eventually discovered the E = mc2 equation as well as those theory of relativity etc etc.
Relax mate... have a good time bro.
Australia, instead of Einstein has many other nobel laurette, including this one that could have discovered ever lasting life!
Thanks mate, I am going to take more blackburn supplements :p
Ash, BS...resident hard on guy has good reason, double hump with camels. :p...thought its counter-strike.
Would Perth or Adelaide be an equally good choice? I know Melbourne is still the best in Australia, but I have thoughts about moving to quieter cities to slow down.
What kind of lifestyle do you want? Depends on what you want? Retire? Work? Adelaide known as city of churches. Perth, huge coastline and timezone same as Singapore. You can try Victoria, NSW as well in the countyside. Wollongong, Newcastle have a slower pace of life compared to Sydney. I'm sure there would be equivalent places in Victoria as well. If you are a nature lover and don't mind the cold, Tasmania is a good place as well. It just depends on what you want to do.
What kind of lifestyle do you want? Depends on what you want? Retire? Work? Adelaide known as city of churches. Perth, huge coastline and timezone same as Singapore. You can try Victoria, NSW as well in the countyside. Wollongong, Newcastle have a slower pace of life compared to Sydney. I'm sure there would be equivalent places in Victoria as well. If you are a nature lover and don't mind the cold, Tasmania is a good place as well. It just depends on what you want to do.
Well, I will just desire a small city lifestyle with cosmopolitan demographics, with a slower pace of life than Singapore or Seoul. If I were to compare, it is the equivalent to Calgary of Canada, Birmingham of England and Kobe of Japan.
That clarifies my questions. Thanks!Any city in Australia will have a slower pace of life compared to Singapore or Seoul.