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</NOBR> </TD><TD class=msgDate noWrap align=right width="30%">Mar-23 11:26 pm </TD></TR><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgT noWrap align=right width="1%" height=20>To: </TD><TD class=msgTname noWrap width="68%">
ALL <NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD class=msgNum noWrap align=right> (1 of 10) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgleft width="1%" rowSpan=4> </TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>
10124.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
Only 2 year jail... he will be out of jail after 1 year.... KNN!
Man jailed for hurling wife out of window
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She has forgiven him and visited him often while he was in remand </TD></TR><TR><TD><!-- Author --></TD></TR><TR><TD class="padlrt8 georgia11 darkgrey bold" colSpan=2>
By Elena Chong, Court Correspondent
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Australian Jason John Porteous was sentenced to 25 months' jail for throwing his wife, Pimchanok, out of the bedroom window of their fourth-floor apartment in Chuan Park last May.
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AN AUSTRALIAN who hurled his Thai wife out of their fourth-floor bedroom window has been jailed
for 25 months for attempted culpable homicide.
Jason John Porteous, 36, a project manager with a multinational chemical company, pleaded guilty to throwing Mrs Pimchanok Porteous, 33, out of their Chuan Park apartment window last May.
His wife, who spent a month in hospital after the incident and has since recovered, told The Straits Times she has forgiven him 'completely'.
She was in court yesterday, and visited him several times a week while he was in remand during the last 10 months.
His sentence was yesterday backdated to May 20 of last year.
Mrs Porteous, who now runs a food stall in Queenstown, also handed the court a copy of a letter of appeal she had written, in which she asked that the case against him be dropped.
Declaring that he had given her everything from education to financial support, she wrote: 'I cannot live with another man and I will do anything to get him back and start our life together again.'
Porteous was found by an Institute of Mental Health psychiatrist to have had a major depressive disorder and chronic alcoholism at the time.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Christopher Ong told a Community Court that on May 17 last year, Mrs Porteous had returned home from a party tipsy from wine. She was with her cousin, who was at the time staying with the couple.
Porteous was watching television and drinking, and his wife knew he was drunk. When the two women joined him in the living room, he asked Mrs Porteous' cousin to show him her breasts.
The request was denied, and Mrs Porteous rebuked him for making it.
She decided to go to bed. He entered the bedroom and continued pleading with her to persuade her cousin to show him her breasts, but she ignored him.
Later, he re-entered the bedroom and picked her up. She woke up, but before she could react, he threw her out of the window. She grabbed hold of the window sill, but lost her grip and fell.
Her cousin, alerted to the noise, found her lying in a drain below the master bedroom, bleeding from her head, mouth and ears.
Her cousin returned to the flat and told Porteous that his wife needed to be taken to hospital, but he had changed and thrown some belongings into a bag.
He ended up taking a cab to the airport, then back home. He was later arrested for attempted murder.
His lawyer S.S. Dhillon said his client's depression arose from the news of his mother's terminal illness and his wife's lack of concern over this. He added that Porteous has since been remorseful about what he did. Porteous could have been jailed for up to 15 years or fined or caned or received a combination of the punishments.