Very good advice. Get rid of people that are no help to you and show appreciation to people that helped you. That’s why I like @jw5 posts.
Get rid of toxic people - The people who we spend the most time with have a direct influence on who we are, so make sure you're surrounded by positive people who care about you and make you feel good.
Number one rule to learn in life. Took me decades to realise.Very good advice. Get rid of people that are no help to you and show appreciation to people that helped you. That’s why I like @jw5 posts.
Such toxic people will never be appreciative and whatever you do will never be good enough. You will be treated like a maid or worse than a maid indeed.Very good advice. Get rid of people that are no help to you and show appreciation to people that helped you. That’s why I like @jw5 posts.
Same concept as you may be a virgin but toxic loser criminal bully dogs will still smugly treat you as wanton slut indeed. You can do do do everything for them to death just like you can prove prove prove everything to death that you are a virgin also useless.Such toxic people will never be appreciative and whatever you do will never be good enough. You will be treated like a maid or worse than a maid indeed.
Dogs think you are a wanton slut means you are a slut. The truth doesn’t matter just like if you are a nobody to someone, you do to death you are still a maid only.Same concept as you may be a virgin but toxic loser criminal bully dogs will still smugly treat you as wanton slut indeed. You can do do do everything for them to death just like you can prove prove prove everything to death that you are a virgin also useless.
Number one rule to happiness indeed.Number one rule to learn in life. Took me decades to realise.
lol, talk in easy. when can you let go of the scroobal in your head?
Focus on the here and now - Don't live in the past, it can't be changed. Focus on the present, as the future will be built on what you are doing now., talk in easy. when can you let go of the scroobal in your head?