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Posted on 27 Apr 2010
All 14 service 178 buses inspected; no sharp edges found
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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All buses plying the service 178 route have been pulled back and inspected but no sharp edges were found on the seats, SMRT says in a reply to STOMPer Commuter's posting on March 30.
STOMPer Commuter had earlier written about his experience onboard service 178 and complained about the sharp metal pieces and rivets holding the seats down.
However, SMRT has contacted the STOMPer and inspected the buses on route 178 but have not found the same metal pieces he saw.
In their reply, SMRT says:
"Following the feedback, we contacted the STOMPer for more information on the incident.
"However, he is unable to recall the time of his journey and the bus licence plate number.
"Nonetheless, we pulled back the 14 buses plying Service 178 for inspection and found all their seats to be in good condition, with no sharp edges".
All 14 service 178 buses inspected; no sharp edges found
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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All buses plying the service 178 route have been pulled back and inspected but no sharp edges were found on the seats, SMRT says in a reply to STOMPer Commuter's posting on March 30.
STOMPer Commuter had earlier written about his experience onboard service 178 and complained about the sharp metal pieces and rivets holding the seats down.
However, SMRT has contacted the STOMPer and inspected the buses on route 178 but have not found the same metal pieces he saw.
In their reply, SMRT says:
"Following the feedback, we contacted the STOMPer for more information on the incident.
"However, he is unable to recall the time of his journey and the bus licence plate number.
"Nonetheless, we pulled back the 14 buses plying Service 178 for inspection and found all their seats to be in good condition, with no sharp edges".