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Are these the Moralities and Values, Malay kids are learning in the Madrasahs?


I am not the local mosque nor the Islamic bookstore whereby you can come in and demand answers. Use google or go to your nearest local Islamic bookstore. Sound like those religious zealots who demand everything but contribute nothing. No wonder the rest are mocking you.
Can't find it and you can't substantiate your claim, so that means you are lying.


The 'convert' was reciting word for word guided by the arab, how much money and politics were involved? Islam is perfect, but perfect for all the wrong reasons.

View attachment 202058

Convert may not know how to recite in Arabic. So need to be guided to read the Shahadah. And you lied by saying hes being bribed? LOL! You reminded me of this verse:

"You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided". (Q28:56)

Here, another example. Neverending professionals embracing Islam. ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ

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Convert may not know how to recite in Arabic. So need to be guided to read the Shahadah. And you lied by saying hes being bribed? LOL! You reminded me of this verse:
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ
are you able to show the comment i made that says bribed?


When you have a pedophile warlord as a 'prophet' and the founder of the religion, how good do you think that religion is? Can a bad tree produce good fruit? :biggrin:

Would you also educate samsters where in the Quran says the Prophet is a pedophile warlord? If you cannot substantiate your claim, then you must be a liar as well. :biggrin: :biggrin:

In that belief system, a bad tree can produce good fruits.


Koran Morality on Marriage:

Quran 2:221

Do not marry idolatresses until they believe, for indeed, a believing slave woman is better than an idolatress, even though she pleases you. And do not give your daughters in marriage to idolaters until they believe, for indeed, a believing slave is better than an idolater, even though he pleases you. These people invite you to the fire, and Allah invites you to the garden, and to forgiveness by his grace, and explains his signs to mankind so that perhaps they will remember.”


Bukhari 46.37.2476
Muhammad: “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).”


Would you also educate samsters where in the Quran says the Prophet is a pedophile warlord? If you cannot substantiate your claim, then you must be a liar as well. :biggrin: :biggrin:

In that belief system, a bad tree can produce good fruits.

If its true, show me your evidence. LOL, in before useless sbf boomers say Prophet marry Aisah r.a. LOL.
