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Seeing a thinner and physically rundown Ah Kiat on TV to persuade and convince sinkies there is still hope for their livelihood and future in the country despite the devastating ruin of Covid-19 pandemic, it is difficult not to laud him for his efforts to keep SG thriving.

Although he said "Singapore will emerge from the COVID-19 crisis a stronger society, with a renewed sense of identity and values, and vowed to leave no Singaporean behind", any sinkie with half a functioning brain knows that to create a stronger society with sense of identity and values, the Govt must always put the interest of the locals first but in SG, the natives often do not have this priority.

How to nurture this sense of identity and values when foreigners can easily find employment in SG while locals are jobless? Please don't say foreigners are "foreign talent" and locals are daft. If these foreigners, meaning PR and all holders of shitty permits and passes, are really foreign talents, why did they commit offences like hardcore criminals in a lawless country?

The PR couple who whacked the FDW like a punching bag and the Bangladeshi couple who operated the KTV to force their girls to prostitute themselves could hardly be classified as foreign talent. They are really the foreign shits who made SG their cesspool.

Are the pappies really serious in building a stronger society for the natives? Time for the locals to show the pappies not to take the natives for granted in the coming GE.


Seeing a thinner and physically rundown Ah Kiat on TV to persuade and convince sinkies there is still hope for their livelihood and future in the country despite the devastating ruin of Covid-19 pandemic, it is difficult not to laud him for his efforts to keep SG thriving.

Although he said "Singapore will emerge from the COVID-19 crisis a stronger society, with a renewed sense of identity and values, and vowed to leave no Singaporean behind", any sinkie with half a functioning brain knows that to create a stronger society with sense of identity and values, the Govt must always put the interest of the locals first but in SG, the natives often do not have this priority.

How to nurture this sense of identity and values when foreigners can easily find employment in SG while locals are jobless? Please don't say foreigners are "foreign talent" and locals are daft. If these foreigners, meaning PR and all holders of shitty permits and passes, are really foreign talents, why did they commit offences like hardcore criminals in a lawless country?

The PR couple who whacked the FDW like a punching bag and the Bangladeshi couple who operated the KTV to force their girls to prostitute themselves could hardly be classified as foreign talent. They are really the foreign shits who made SG their cesspool.

Are the pappies really serious in building a stronger society for the natives? Time for the locals to show the pappies not to take the natives for granted in the coming GE.
Careful lest invaders round you lot up and send to cck live the rest of your lives away in reservations like native Americans today. No more nice HDB for u. :unsure:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkies will have to learn the hard way that a one party bao gar liao system inevitably becomes the worst form of government. When a bad decision is made, there is no pushback, no restraint. So the situation gets worse and worse. And don't expect the 'nation-building' press to be a viable Fifth Estate.

China is too 'big' to have ang moh style democracy.
Sinkieland is too 'small' to have ang moh style democracy.

One or both are lying. We'll find out. :cool:






Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Democracy in itself is not a sin. Too bad it is so badly abused it has become a means to justify unscrupulous ends. US can’t even cope with 2 colours - black vs white. Don’t even talk about Asians. If you push down their system to China it will be complete chaos considering how geographically and culturally diversed China is.







Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



I entertain you since I can’t sleep. Of course it is related. In a democracy you have to allow people to protest, to stir shit, like all your brethren in HK... all over nothing. The direct outcome of implementing such a system in China will lead to the Uighurs, the Tibetans, the Falungongs creating chaos. China has prospered in the last 2 decades because of stability allowing it to focus on growth, poverty eradication instead of fighting protesters. As you can see today, HK is heading for the drain. And China couldn’t care less. It’s too much of a hot potato to handle. The right thing to do is to let you guys self destruct. But China cannot allow its other provinces to be such a bad kid like HK. In fact, HK is yet the clearest proof that democracy cannot work in China.


I entertain you since I can’t sleep. Of course it is related. In a democracy you have to allow people to protest, to stir shit, like all your brethren in HK... all over nothing. The direct outcome of implementing such a system in China will lead to the Uighurs, the Tibetans, the Falungongs creating chaos. China has prospered in the last 2 decades because of stability allowing it to focus on growth, poverty eradication instead of fighting protesters. As you can see today, HK is heading for the drain. And China couldn’t care less. It’s too much of a hot potato to handle. The right thing to do is to let you guys self destruct. But China cannot allow its other provinces to be such a bad kid like HK. In fact, HK is yet the clearest proof that democracy cannot work in China.

Hong Kong is gone case. Just see the naivety of their locals, one knows they are done.



1. 我哋抗爭係無聊?
答: 你又知唔知點解會咁?2003年23條立法監控監管所有通訊軌道,即係話完全失去言論自由,一國兩制嘅核心價值比中共剝奪咗。2014年雨傘運動,1997 回歸前所立嘅基本法寫明雙普選,基本法立法嘅條文中共一句收返就收返,香港人嘅特首係中共欽點。2019年反修例反送中運動,因為某些原因可以拉返大陸受審,試問你信唔信大陸司法機關?2015年銅鑼灣書店單嘢就話明中共可以用特工黎香港強行綁架返大陸。就係因為一國兩制但係中共淺踏咗所以引發抗爭。如果逃犯條例通過,你係新加坡邊度都好話中共壞話而中共覺得應該要拉你,除非你唔黎中國或者香港,就算轉飛機中共都可以截你然後拉你返大陸審

2. 民主導致亂局?

3. 我哋抗爭證明咗民主唔可以係中國落實?
答:相反,依家有學問嘅中國人都知道,香港抗爭係因為一國兩制玩完,經過疫情佢哋都知佢哋比中共矇騙咗,但係可惜佢哋徹徹底底冇得發聲或者做決定黎改變中國嘅命運,共黨已經有分裂全部都拜曱甴平所賜。世上沒有無緣無故的愛 亦都沒有無緣無故的恨。難道我哋面對極權就應該跪低?





2019 6月 9號 到今日 好長嘅故事一時都好難講完

** 你唔洗話應酬我嘅,就算你哋知香港啲事都好,坡狗係非常自私嘅,顧自己如果有需要可以犧牲其他人。我目的係黎屌五毛狗㗎姐,唔係黎博同情嘅。香港人唔會咁容易跪低嘅,相反香港人比坡狗更加硬正

最後補充,唔好乜嘢都賴晒抗爭者,記住一隻手掌拍唔響嘅,邊個係始作俑者歷史會審判。你可以去搵返呢啲數字 721 831 101 1111 睇咗片先自己定論
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Hong Kong is gone case. Just see the naivety of their locals, one knows they are done.




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Super Moderator
Are the pappies really serious in building a stronger society for the natives? Time for the locals to show the pappies not to take the natives for granted in the coming GE.

Look at it through the lenses of history and ask ourselves, “How did Sinkiestan come into being?”

Be it ancient history or modern history, it is our collective karma that folks from all over the seven seas would fill up the voids here on our soils to make this place flourish.

Our darkest times were when our existence were completely wiped out from the scrolls of history, relegated as some pirates’ lair, some back end execution grounds.

We need to learn to plant seeds of compassion and change our collective karma. Accept the influx of foreigners and then breed them into our Sinkiestani core. :wink::wink::wink:

Tantric sex is the BEST!


Sinkies will have to learn the hard way that a one party bao gar liao system inevitably becomes the worst form of government. When a bad decision is made, there is no pushback, no restraint. So the situation gets worse and worse. And don't expect the 'nation-building' press to be a viable Fifth Estate.

China is too 'big' to have ang moh style democracy.
Sinkieland is too 'small' to have ang moh style democracy.

One or both are lying. We'll find out. :cool:
Bro that not what loong say. 2017 he say SG is a multiparty democracy. He is of course technically correct, the best kind of correct. :sneaky:


Look at it through the lenses of history and ask ourselves, “How did Sinkiestan come into being?”

Be it ancient history or modern history, it is our collective karma that folks from all over the seven seas would fill up the voids here on our soils to make this place flourish.

Our darkest times were when our existence were completely wiped out from the scrolls of history, relegated as some pirates’ lair, some back end execution grounds.

We need to learn to plant seeds of compassion and change our collective karma. Accept the influx of foreigners and then breed them into our Sinkiestani core. :wink::wink::wink:

Tantric sex is the BEST!

Xenophobia was absent in the 70s to the early 90s. It was the tsunami of immigrants that led to the rise of xenophobia. It was the PAP that fucked it up for the foreigners, not the locals. Be clear about that. The locals are simply reacting to their badly managed immigration policy and incoherent management of the infrastructure necessary to support the influx.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

1. 我哋抗爭係無聊?
答: 你又知唔知點解會咁?2003年23條立法監控監管所有通訊軌道,即係話完全失去言論自由,一國兩制嘅核心價值比中共剝奪咗。2014年雨傘運動,1997 回歸前所立嘅基本法寫明雙普選,基本法立法嘅條文中共一句收返就收返,香港人嘅特首係中共欽點。2019年反修例反送中運動,因為某些原因可以拉返大陸受審,試問你信唔信大陸司法機關?2015年銅鑼灣書店單嘢就話明中共可以用特工黎香港強行綁架返大陸。就係因為一國兩制但係中共淺踏咗所以引發抗爭。如果逃犯條例通過,你係新加坡邊度都好話中共壞話而中共覺得應該要拉你,除非你唔黎中國或者香港,就算轉飛機中共都可以截你然後拉你返大陸審

2. 民主導致亂局?

3. 我哋抗爭證明咗民主唔可以係中國落實?
答:相反,依家有學問嘅中國人都知道,香港抗爭係因為一國兩制玩完,經過疫情佢哋都知佢哋比中共矇騙咗,但係可惜佢哋徹徹底底冇得發聲或者做決定黎改變中國嘅命運,共黨已經有分裂全部都拜曱甴平所賜。世上沒有無緣無故的愛 亦都沒有無緣無故的恨。難道我哋面對極權就應該跪低?





2019 6月 9號 到今日 好長嘅故事一時都好難講完

** 你唔洗話應酬我嘅,就算你哋知香港啲事都好,坡狗係非常自私嘅,顧自己如果有需要可以犧牲其他人。我目的係黎屌五毛狗㗎姐,唔係黎博同情嘅。香港人唔會咁容易跪低嘅,相反香港人比坡狗更加硬正

最後補充,唔好乜嘢都賴晒抗爭者,記住一隻手掌拍唔響嘅,邊個係始作俑者歷史會審判。你可以去搵返呢啲數字 721 831 101 1111 睇咗片先自己定論
Ok Ok.... I respect your entitlement to your view even though you are really rude. It’s a fundamental incompatibility because Honkees in reality inside yourselves you are all 鬼娄。HK vulgarity world number 1 this I will humble myself to learn from you. But remember you can’t run away from the fact you are part of China. The way I look at it, yes you are better off being independent of China cos’ you guys are so damn irritating.
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