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Arabs and jews are close it relatives. No need to fight, just hand over seized arab land to its rightful owner.


Arab and Jews are from the same father. Father Abraham .

But they are from different mothers. Of course step brother will fight with each other.

Of courses there's no fake religion involve.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You know it's a false religion if it believes in polytheism.

It's also a false religion if it says a mere mortal, a man, is a God (nauzubillah).

It has to be a false religion if it also promotes faggotry and taking it up the arse, ask that faggot chink @JohnTan. which of your pastors loved your tender arse the most?

islam is polytheism. moslems swear allegiance to two different entities, mahomet and allah, when they join the mohamedan religion.

syed putra

Grimm Brother's fairy tales have Rapunzel's name on it. Going by your logic, Rapunzel must be real too.

Here's some info about your medina constitution.

Portions of this constitution are corroborated by multiple sound hadith reports. Its validity in its stated single form, however, has been called into question, as there is no single sound chain of authorities (isnad) supporting it.[2][3][4] There are differences of opinion as well as to how many documents the constitution comprises—from one to eight.
Grimm's brothers stories are based on fictional characters
Current opinion of historical experts validate medina's Constitution authenticity.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Grimm's brothers stories are based on fictional characters
Current opinion of historical experts validate medina's Constitution authenticity.

Grimm fairy tales are authentic tales. Written by a real person. According to your own past posts, your arabian prophet could have been a fictional character.

syed putra

Grimm fairy tales are authentic tales. Written by a real person. According to your own past posts, your arabian prophet could have been a fictional character.
That was before I discovered the medina Constitution.
Based on Arab folklore, mahomet was illiterate so it is strange he got this Constitution sealed.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
That was before I discovered the medina Constitution.
Based on Arab folklore, mahomet was illiterate so it is strange he got this Constitution sealed.

Looks like you discovered thin air. According to wiki, there's no such document in existence today even though other moslem sources mention it.

No copy of the Constitution of Medina has ever been found. We only know of its existence from excerpts included in early Muslim sources, the earliest of which is "Al-Sīrah Al-Nabawiyyah" of Ibn Hisham (early 800s CE), which claims to republish material found in the lost "Sīrat Rasūl Allāh" of Ibn Ishaq (mid 700s CE). This report, however, was transmitted without any chain of authority


islam is polytheism. moslems swear allegiance to two different entities, mahomet and allah, when they join the mohamedan religion.

Proving your single digit IQ and your affinity for taking it up the arse from multiple directions, you now have proven, once again, why your religion is false.

I think even a low double digit IQ cretin should be able to see why you are a cretin. A believer in a false religion that promotes taking it up the arse.


Is that why you enjoy getting fucked in the arse?

Your own fake prophet literally died cock standing.

Why are you getting excited at the idea of taking it up the arse?

Why did you imagine everyone wants to take it up the arse like you?

Did it ever occur to you that not everyone is a faggot like you?
I don't believe in any fake prophet or pastor. Only a fake religion would promote taking it up the arse. When was your arse first drilled by your pastor, again?


According to your own past posts, your arabian prophet could have been a fictional character.

He is a CECA polytheist.

Just like you are a chink polytheist.

Only difference being your tendency to get your arse drilled by all of your pastors. Not every one does that, obviously.

He does not know that the personal effects are still observable in Istanbul.

Question is why the personal effects were taken to Istanbul, the hub of secularism in Turkey in what would go on to become (surprisingly) anti Islamic Turkey under Mustafa Kemal (later called Ataturk) rather than leave them under the auspices of some Arab, nominally Islamic kingdom in Suudi. Granted Suudi kingdoms are Anglo vassals, now yankee vassals, but so was Republic of Turkey .Turkey is a NATO member, to this day, 20+ years of Erdogan rule later.


Is that why you enjoy getting fucked in the arse?

Your own fake prophet literally died cock standing.

Btw has your posterior begun to heal?

Can you walk straight nowadays?

You should never have believed in this false religion in the first place.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Btw has your posterior begun to heal?

Can you walk straight nowadays?

You should never have believed in this false religion in the first place.

I never believed in the false religion islam, invented by mahomet.



syed putra

Looks like you discovered thin air. According to wiki, there's no such document in existence today even though other moslem sources mention it.

No copy of the Constitution of Medina has ever been found. We only know of its existence from excerpts included in early Muslim sources, the earliest of which is "Al-Sīrah Al-Nabawiyyah" of Ibn Hisham (early 800s CE), which claims to republish material found in the lost "Sīrat Rasūl Allāh" of Ibn Ishaq (mid 700s CE). This report, however, was transmitted without any chain of authority
Looks like they are wrong as the text were studied by western historians.


I never believed in the false religion islam, invented by mahomet.

at least two major problems with your answer.

1. false info. your answer contains false information.
2. irrelevant. your response is irrelevant.

you could have just scrolled up to look for the question that I had asked.

does it really hurt you so much that you have lost any semblance of rationality? and began to mumble nowadays?

what have your pastors done to you?