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Arabs and jews are close it relatives. No need to fight, just hand over seized arab land to its rightful owner.


There are conquerors and there are the conquered. Surely that distinction is not lost to followers of Moh. :cool:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Muslims deny ever worshipping any man.

Again, you talk like you're the ambassador for all moslems when you're not.

Admittedly you worship a man and cannot deny it.

Jesus was both man and God. You must be very ashamed of yourself whenever you go to the toilet, just like you're ashamed of your sole arabic 'prophet' dying a slow painful death from poison. Spoiled your 'macho man' image of what an moslem prophet should be.


Again, you talk like you're the ambassador for all moslems when you're not.

Jesus was both man and God. You must be very ashamed of yourself whenever you go to the toilet, just like you're ashamed of your sole arabic 'prophet' dying a slow painful death from poison. Spoiled your 'macho man' image of what an moslem prophet should be.
Do we behave as if we're ashamed of the prophet?
You otoh, look stupid for believing man can be God.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The medina constitution has his name on it. This made him real based on historical evidence.

Grimm Brother's fairy tales have Rapunzel's name on it. Going by your logic, Rapunzel must be real too.

Here's some info about your medina constitution.

Portions of this constitution are corroborated by multiple sound hadith reports. Its validity in its stated single form, however, has been called into question, as there is no single sound chain of authorities (isnad) supporting it.[2][3][4] There are differences of opinion as well as to how many documents the constitution comprises—from one to eight.


Arabs believed in rubbish Jewish Soviet communism socialism. resulting in defeats. they abandoned Islam and adopted secularism and socialism. disastrous.

now as for Jews, they were chased around by gayropeans all around. so the gayropeans just dumped the troublesome jews in their midst to palestine. two birds with one stone.

they shhould have dumped them in alaksa or arizona desert or sth. it's desert all the same.


And a chink needs a jew as their god.

You know it's a false religion if it believes in polytheism.

It's also a false religion if it says a mere mortal, a man, is a God (nauzubillah).

It has to be a false religion if it also promotes faggotry and taking it up the arse, ask that faggot chink @JohnTan. which of your pastors loved your tender arse the most?