You see , not only me there were host of other Sinkies too ...unsung heroes so as to say ..there was 1 particular Teochew nang who built the very first luxury 5 star hotel in Cambodia ..not nice to mention his name and the company in Singapore .,.he bankrolled hun Sen .,so imagine the power he yields ...even in Indonesia a contractor who went bust in Sinkie is one of the top 10 coal miner beating local tycoons and even the Broken Hill proprietary of Australia who were the pioneers there .,,has even a zoo and horse range in Kalimantan ..,he throw away Sinkie passport for Indonesian
as for me I had specialities worth what the third world governments needed thus gave me a safe heaven ..,the funds needed to finance their operation come from the resources they control and I had the expertise ...even our Sinkie government reached out to people like us too when they hunt for Sinkies who knows such countries well ..we did help knowing full well Sinkie scholars will discard us like a condom after using us