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Anyone believes this guy cares for your health?


Locally I believe @porcaputtana cares for our wellbeing, but he lacks the skill required, FOUR boards notwithstanding.
Nope . I don’t give two flying fucks about low SES unvaxxed filths. Just so you know .

That’s why contractually I keep my subsidized clinic sessions to a bare minimum to avoid being in the same room as you lot.
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Nope . I don’t give two flying fucks about low SES unvaxxed filths. Just so you know .

That’s why contractually I keep my subsidized clinic sessions to a bare minimum to avoid being in the same room as you lot.
Thank God. Your FOUR board would be useless anyway.


Nobody is taking care of my health except myself and canada drugs customer service. That's the truth.
My doctors help me to stay healthy in general, but of course they don't care as much about me personally, as they have so many other patients.
Doing exercises, eating healthy, taking vitamins and supplements - all those things we can do today in order to feel better tomorrow.
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