The declining birth rate of the Chinese is not the end all of Singapore. One must be thick to swallow this crap. Our PopuAtion has doubled in 15 years. If it was to maintain 1965 the racial % component, they would not have allowed Indians to come in such numbers. For every FT Indina that is let in, you have to admit 5 PRC Chinese. The top of the Singapore food chain wants to keep the GDP growing, sell more high end properties to foreigners and make big bucks. Singapore local pool is just too small to sell high end properties. So you admit more, they will become citizens in 2 years time and can buy even landed properties. For every 1,000 FT Indian and PRC they let in, at least one or two will enter the high end property market. You guys should be shot for even thinking that it about decling birth rate. If that is the case, we would only allow immigration at a replacement rate plus some buffer for those who leave after a while. Tomorrow the PAP will tell you that they subsidise your home and schooling up to 99% and you guys will swallow it hook line and sinker.