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Any Samsters work in company with drinking culture, organize team bonding activities in ktv with hostesses? Gf/wife kpkb nonstop how to settle?




How to (SIAM) Diu?

Hi everyone, my boyfriend (26M) recently started working at a company that has a strong drinking culture and the night will progress to patronising a seedy Ktv with hostesses.

The company is male-dominated and these outings are sort of “team bonding”- expenses paid for by company.

I trust that he will not engage in the services of the hostesses, but I would definitely prefer if he doesn’t tag along all the time.

I understand that socialising and establishing valuable connections are important, and I’m not sure if him refusing to go Diu will reflect badly on him-

would he miss out on opportunities, and are there actually ways to siam the night without consequences?

Any advice appreciated! For females with partners in this situation, how do u grow to accept it? Especially when there’s nth u can do and just trust that they will always do the right thing.

Netizens’ comments​

  • My friend’s gf told us that she had similar concerns at the start. But after knowing that he’s too stingy to spend $ on hostesses she feels much more secure
  • ooh, my brother was in such a company too for a while. I strongly believe that men with any morals just get densensitized, which also means if he can’t control himself then he’s not worth the effort. He will definitely miss out on opportunities but definitely the best is get a better job.
  • stop assuming men have feelings when going to these places, to some it’s just exercise/work out at the gym
  • Make him wear a chastity belt meh?
  • uncomfortable then ask him change job. ‘Siam Diu for life, Siam Bu for wife’


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's one big disadvantage of getting married.

Even the wholesome activities, guys, schoolmates or NS mates gatherings etc, are subject to the wife's scheduling (cannot clash with errand duty), imposed curfew timing (cannot stay out late beyond this time), or even if you're allowed to go at all ("I don't like it when you hang out with this particular guy").

Pussywhipped married men almost always hang out with other fellow pussywhipped married men, and the wives are included in those gatherings. Sad and pathetic. :rolleyes:


That's one big disadvantage of getting married.

Even the wholesome activities, guys, schoolmates or NS mates gatherings etc, are subject to the wife's scheduling (cannot clash with errand duty), imposed curfew timing (cannot stay out late beyond this time), or even if you're allowed to go at all ("I don't like it when you hang out with this particular guy").

Pussywhipped married men almost always hang out with other fellow pussywhipped married men, and the wives are included in those gatherings. Sad and pathetic. :rolleyes:
That 's why u have the usual family weekend BBQ gathering. U have to be present,u cannot escape although u don't like some family members. 555