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Anwar daughter converted a han to hui


This will be a concern to sinkie if msian hui chinese came to power and sit the throne. Becos chinese leaders of any religion are shrewd and astute. Anyway, some guys just marry for power or money, they just pretend that he converted just like many hui chinese do.

syed putra

This will be a concern to sinkie if msian hui chinese came to power and sit the throne. Becos chinese leaders of any religion are shrewd and astute. Anyway, some guys just marry for power or money, they just pretend that he converted just like many hui chinese do.
Shrewd and astute? You mean conniving and scheming
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This will be a concern to sinkie if msian hui chinese came to power and sit the throne. Becos chinese leaders of any religion are shrewd and astute. Anyway, some guys just marry for power or money, they just pretend that he converted just like many hui chinese do.
It the power of politics onto money.
Look at how rich the Lee and the Quahs and related relatives are.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I don't think the guy can actually see the woman he got married to.
Does Nurul have a younger sister? Remember poor Yaakub who was tricked into marrying old spinster Leah instead of chiobu Rachel. He had to wait another 14 years till Rachel become an old spinster before marrying her.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This story not in the quran i think.
Jacob was abandoned by his brothers yes.
Are you sure? This is the fundamental of polygamy. Yaakub had 2 wives and later on 2 more “concubines”. I suspected this is where Muslim’s inspiration of 4 wives come from. But you might be right because the story goes on to say Yaakub’s 12 sons form 12 tribes of Israel… which I agree… does not exist

syed putra

Are you sure? This is the fundamental of polygamy. Yaakub had 2 wives and later on 2 more “concubines”. I suspected this is where Muslim’s inspiration of 4 wives come from. But you might be right because the story goes on to say Yaakub’s 12 sons form 12 tribes of Israel… which I agree… does not exist
Ok. I got joseph story mixed up with jacob.