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Anwar daughter converted a han to hui

syed putra

To those who dontch understand the video, get lost and go back to china. Hang national flag also no use if dunno national language.



No choice, for the sake of humping Anwar's daughter Nurul Izzah, he has to convert temporarily.....
Worth the sacrifice!
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Anwar daughter must be a good fuck after she take on another suit. Minah's GIAP GIAP down under hearsay very powerful. No Chinese man can run away once got " GIAP Giap"


So, after trying out Pakistani prick for 11 years, she now confirmed that Chinese prick is still the best? But I must respect her because I believe she's not the type going after wealth, otherwise, she wouldn't have divorced her ex-Pakistani billlionaire husband.

syed putra

So, after trying out Pakistani prick for 11 years, she now confirmed that Chinese prick is still the best? But I must respect her because I believe she's not the type going after wealth, otherwise, she wouldn't have divorced her ex-Pakistani billlionaire husband.
She was married to a paki?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
He should be careful of his father in law.. Later wake up with backside pain and blood stain on the tilam