Sure you do. How can you not have a religion and be bowing to the kaaba?
whose bowing to kaaba ? so you believe in prayer toocan you pray that you wont be banned by me
Go ahead, ban la, I dare you.
you really think prayer works ? There you go ...whahahaha ..
muahahhahahhaha bro u are the best bro!
Hmmm...told u guys this kinana aka RonPaul aka Benhow aka TRE aka JohnObama aka FChannel is a liar. So long u disagree with him, he will flip flop like prata, turn against u, and start branding u a Muslim though we all know tere are atheist and other faith who disgree with him too.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
hosay liao ..airport close on sunday , church staffs dont need go to church , 711 also close on sunday ...basically ..theres no movement on sunday.
Get the perspective right....everyone, including machines need to rest. No one can work continuously without a proper day. We now even seen that government has put in legislation that requires employers to let their foreign maid a day of rest each week.
It is interesting that the whole world observe the 7-day week calendar and it is equally interesting in all civilized employment institutions, all their employees are given at least one day off per week, and many employers have 5-day week like what we have in Singapore.
Don't twist and turn your argument....airport doesn't need to close down, 711 still can continue to function, certainly have not heard about shift work...what the Bible tells us is to have rest after 6 days of Christians need to observe Sabbath and worship God only on Sundays (and some churches say should be Saturdays) is another topic. For me, worship God is 24/7 because God dwells within us.
who told you no one work for 7 days a week ? i myself have no holiday .. some hawkers also have no holiday ..detective on 24/7 on stand by ...ect . some of the shift workers also dont have sunday as off day ..what talking you ? your storybook just say sunday cannot work ..did he mention about shift workers that off on weekdays ?. seventh day is the Sabbath in your storybook ..and sabbath means sunday
. as for you, you can even pray when you pang sai not big deal for a delusional person like you
You are arguing something just for the sick of arguing. If anyone want to work till drop dead (like yourself), that's your choice. Bible has never told people to do that. Work is a honour. When God created Adam, God commanded Adam to take care of His creation - implying to work. Work is not a curse. But sweat is. Because of the sin of Adam, we are cursed with the sweat that comes with our work, and it wasn't meant to be in the first place.
Hawkers worked 7 days a week....they have the choice but my observation is very different. Just go to hawker centers on Monday you will see many of them don't open, even most the wet market stalls selling fresh supplies closed on Mondays. Detective on 24/7 duty and no rest, never heard of. Even in the army during my NS days (and I believe still apply today), we have long-weekends and only during on standby, most of us went home every week. We like to debate but please don't argue for the sick of arguing.
Some go to heaven, some go to hell, some drift awhile on some questions for kinana/pslam
1)what do yr god do with those ppl that die without ever hearing abt jesus?
All sinners need to fear, coward or no coward bro.only those who are SELFISH cowards need fear what happens when they die
Do that, but make sure you have no sin if you want to avoid hell.rather we shld look at the ppl ard us and cherish/help them in the current state n life, not hang ard in past stories and revere some almighty existence
So many churches out there. They are all manged differently, no one fixed formula.2) so what do megachurches do with so much money? spread their own propaganda further or really help the less fortunate? Or just make the top MLM ppl rich? Got transparent accounting? Build more lavish church with ROOF ANTENNA for what? help ppl or create money?
Money is not the root of evil. where did you get that idea bro?If money is the root of evil, doesnt that make them one big source of evil.