You would be better off renting a nice seaview condo at RM2k a month and enjoy the rest of your money. When you get really old, Johor may be unsuitable, medical facilities is questionable.
Frodo said 600-700k condo, psf unknown....but i believe your suggestion only work best when the ppty price and rental difference is too far apart or you just want occasion staying. Eg if it is only 1% rental yield of the ppty cost, rent it, bcoz such ppty anytime can go down in value. But if you confident ppty price you bought nothing much to go down, buy it, years down the road, inflation will make its way to make your loan cheaper and affordable. Some more do not make current oversupply as a sign of no demands. If iskandar follow normal economic zone development phase, local would expect salary growth over years and purchasing power will different than now...some of the factors you need to consider if you intend to live there long term or make long term commitment. Rent it, you might miss out another bull run, even no bull run, you are not going to rugi much owning one if the price you get in is not too high.
Maybe many of the Johor properties will slowly become old folks home.Many Singaporeans say want to retire there mah....
By the way , the old folks home in SG is sibeh terrok leh , they charge you S$1,800/= pm per bed with 6 people in a room . Very stuffy and smelly . If I can , I rather stay in a studio condo in JB by myself
Depending on which project, a 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom condo can be had for around RM750K, before developer discount.
Actually right now, you can still buy a resale newly completed condo for less than RM500 psf. in the JB suburb.
A 1000 sq ft new condo in Tampoi (near Angsana Shopping Centre) is only asking for RM430K neg.
This project when first launched was known as the Latitude and the same unit type was only about RM280K 3 years ago.
Not local can?
That's a foreigner's problem to find buyer.
So, you can see here, a local can easily get a new condo unit in the suburb for RM430 psf and if you're holding one that cost RM700 psf, how to sell?
By the way , the old folks home in SG is sibeh terrok leh , they charge you S$1,800/= pm per bed with 6 people in a room . Very stuffy and smelly . If I can , I rather stay in a studio condo in JB by myself
[FONT="]One of those better ones in KLBy the way , the old folks home in SG is sibeh terrok leh , they charge you S$1,800/= pm per bed with 6 people in a room . Very stuffy and smelly . If I can , I rather stay in a studio condo in JB by myself
That's a foreigner's problem to find buyer.
So, you can see here, a local can easily get a new condo unit in the suburb for RM430 psf and if you're holding one that cost RM700 psf, how to sell?
That's a foreigner's problem to find buyer.
So, you can see here, a local can easily get a new condo unit in the suburb for RM430 psf and if you're holding one that cost RM700 psf, how to sell?
There's something not quite accurate with the comparison.
In a old folks' home, you have nurses and resident doctor to take care of the elderly, most of whom have some form of illness or mobility issues. They are served food, taken for walks, bathed, have social activities and regular health checkups, etc. Should they require emergency care, there's always the ambulance to take them to the hospital. All these cost money and hence explain why the cost is S$1,800.
If you are in a studio apartment in JB, it is assumed you are there alone with no medical aid or social service help. Should anything bad happen, one might possibly die there alone without anyone knowing! With failing eyesight and weak body, can you still drive to get food and other necessities?
I think it's best to consider buying a Johor condo now as a form of luxury item. Just buy like how you would buy expensive golf clubs, a BMW 5-series or collector's watches. People who buy them don't worry so much about the future. They buy to enjoy them because they got the money to spare. Even if these material items come to their end of life, the owners can say they have enjoyed the process.
If one buys a Johor condo (especially for non-Malaysians), trying to project or predict the property will boom next time, or that they can rent out, get capital appreciation, or keep for their "old age" home (and die there alone?!), there are risks involved. If these things don't happen, your money could be stuck there. Policies can change. (Hey, this is still Malaysia we are talking about!) You might end up only using the condo as an expensive holiday home next time and cannot cash it out.
So better to treat it as a "play thing" to be on the safer side than an investment asset.
[FONT="]One of those better ones in KL
FULL TIME STAY(Per Calendar Month)
Twin Sharing Room
Walking, assistance with ADLS from RM 2500
Bed-Ridden RM 2650
Multiple Sharing Room ( 3 Bedded, 4 Bedded or 5 Bedded )
Walking, assistance with ADLS from RM 2300
Bed-Ridden RM 2450
Single Room
Single room with shared bathroom RM 2850
Single room with attached bathroom from RM 3250
A couple are given a discounted rate RM 3800
· 24 Hour Care, Assistance & Nursing
· Health Record encompassing BP, Temperature ,HGT etc
· 6 meals per day
· Reflexology / Massage
· Physiotherapy
· Laundry
*All rooms are fully air-conditioned
Reflexology n Message got extra services or not?Joke aside , do hope JB got some high quality old folks home like this one
If one requires extra services then most likely it is not time yet for one to be there.
What is life expectancy of your tool ? Maybe still need to service it once awhile other wise will get rusty prematurely.