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Serious Another insensitive and stupidity has no cure event in NTU


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another insensitive and stupidity has no cure event in NTU

The Nanyang Technological University‘s (NTU) Japanese Appreciation Club has drawn flak for hosting a Japanese Cultural Festival, which was touted to be the student club’s biggest event, on 18 Feb – the same date that saw the horrific Sook Ching massacre unfold, 77 years ago.

The Sook Ching massacre was a systematic purge of perceived hostile elements among the Chinese in Singapore by the Japanese military during the Japanese occupation of Singapore and Malaya. The operation was overseen by the Imperial Japanese Army’s Kempeitai secret police.

The devastating genocide, which took place from 18 February to 4 March 1942 at various places in the region, occurred a mere three days after the British colony surrendered on 15 February 1942 following the Battle of Singapore.

Thousands of Singaporeans died in the purge. While Japan officially said that fewer than 5,000 deaths occurred, Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew has said that “verifiable numbers would be about 70,000”.

In 1966, Japan agreed to pay US$50 million in compensation, half of which was a grant and the rest as a loan. They did not make an official apology.

(post from Theindepedent.sg)



Alfrescian (Inf)
Perhaps what Sinkieland needs are govt-produced anti-小日本 tv shows like what the communist govt does in China. :wink:

Search for 抗日神剧.
