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analysis of gorden chang - Why does Gordon Chang hate China so much?


Kevin Chung

I used to think of Gordan Chang as a Chinese ‘Uncle Tom’, but now I realize he is much worse than that. He isn’t just subservient to white folks (the definition of an Uncle Tom), but he has to bash China twice as a hard compared to even the most extreme right-wing white-spremacist, in the vain attempt to show that he isn’t one (a Chinese). He’s a horrible and pathetic person, and it is his self-loathing that drives him to be so venomous towards China.

To understand him, we need to focus on his childhood. More specifically, the racist abuse and discrimination he endured during his formative years as a result of his Asian appearance.

Rather than blaming his victimizers, he blames his own Chinese appearance, he blames China and everything Chinese.

He is like the wimp who gets bullied, and rather than fighting back, tries to find new victims for his oppressors to oppress. Not only that, but he partakes in the abuse with twice the viciousness as other bullies in order to fit in.

As immigrants, we have met these types of individuals before. Those who are of the same ethnicity, yet want nothing to do with the newcomers, as they believe it will make them look bad. Those who want to distance themselves as much as possible from newcomers of the same ethnicity, in order to avoid being categorized together. Those who denigrate and treat people of the same ethnicity with contempt, in a misguided belief that this will secure their status as “honourary whites”. Those who would say things like “you people” to people of the same skin colour.

He is nothing but scum, living a life of denial.


Yifan Wang

The simple answer is that his family used to be an wealthy elite before 1949 under the ruling Nationalist Party. They lost everything when the communist won the civil war.

It's all about perspective. What the wealthy elite will never see is that the poor starve and freeze to death on a daily basis under the Nationalist's rule and their dead bodies dumped near the Yangtze even in a wealthy city like Shanghai.

He doesn't care. He pretend to care about the "millions" died under Mao during the great leap forward and the cultural revolution, while choosing to ignore the fact that these dark periods is only a small proportion of the communist party's 60 year rule. Where the entirety of China was living under constant misary of internal strife, famine and white terror when his beloved KMT was in charge.


Mark Hanna
I’m not very famillar with him but I searched a similar answer on the Chinese version of Quora (Zhihu), and I found the answers to be pretty funny that I would like to translate part of them just for the purpose of sharing.

“What is your opinion on Gordon Chang?”

Answer from “Xiluzhanwoyi”writes,

“The magnum opus of Mr. Gordon Chang - ‘The Coming Collapse of China’, was a great masterpiece, it has profound realism and historical meaning, and has been seen by many western experts as ‘The Book’ of studying China, it really deserves its name. Since the book was published in 2001, China has collapsed all the way from the 6th place to the 2nd place, and will continue to collapse as per Mr. Chang’s perdiction, until it finally reaches the No.1 superpower.”

-“Although some people in the west has realised that he is a ‘fraud’, he has largely successfully fooled the west to take no serious about China. The period from 2001 to now was a period of great strategic importance, and thanks to his work, China has gained an incredible opportunity to develop sliently behind the scene, he is a master of fooling, a warrior in disguise, and a great hero to our country.”

“As a great Chinese decendent and a warrior working abroad, he has done incredible things for our country, when comrade Chang finishes his job and returns home, I suggest a big gold medal being issued to him!”

An anonymous answer writes,“Hey, stop it, dudes! If you make comrade Chang expose his identity, you guys will suck.”

Damn, I watched Gordon Chang on CNN a few times but I never realised that he is a Chinese decendent (half Chinese). Now that I know it, I immediately ask myself, can we really rule out the possibility that he is actually working for China? :p


Ck Zheng
Maybe his father had difficult past with communist China. Many people from gentry/bourgeois classes were purged when people’s republic of China. I cannot find bio about his father, but the fact that he could afford to travel all the way to US and support his son through one of the most expensive and prestigious college there indicates he might be descended from a better-off family in the good old Republic of China. His family assets could have been stripped away by the communists and his relatives could have been affected by the persecution that followed. In fact, such bitterness against communist government is not uncommon even within China itself. After all, people’s republic of China is just a party state owned by the communists. It is understandable he does not like China (specifically People’s Republic of China).


Masao Miwa

I ran across Gordon Chang years ago when he touted himself as a stock pundit. At the time he seemed to have a passion to degenerate Chinese companies and their IPO stock offerings. Though he had some good points about weaknesses and future earnings, he seemed to always point out problems and not strengths. He seems to continue this modus operandi throughout his career as a columnist, book author, and future tea leaf reader. For most that meet or see Gordon, he looks Chinese, he takes after his Chinese father. His mother was American. Asians would call him a banana, yellow on the outside, white inside. He continues his China diatribe as if he were a ‘white supremacist’ focused on hating the Chinese, the mainland Chinese government in particular. Maybe this polarization was his strategy to attract fame and fortune he apparently sought. Like many gurus before him, by standing out, and if he were right, his fame and fortune would follow. His books, articles, and appearances have always had this ‘one sided’ view. For example, some recent articles he has written for Fortune about China:

OCT 2, 2017

Smart Money On Bannon As He Takes On China

SEP 17, 2017 @ 12:01 AM

India And Japan Encircle China

SEP 10, 2017

Will China Revert To Another Maoist Era Next Month?

AUG 20, 2017

This '301' Torpedo Is About To Sink The S.S. China

The anti-Chinese tones during the 1800’s and continuing on under the atmosphere of dreaded Chinese Communism still exist today. China bashing is nothing new, especially during the McCarthy era. During the colonialism era, China was also a target. European countries, the United States, and even Japan sought to carve up and colonize the vastness of China. Though China was an ally during the war against Japanese aggression, she was excluded from treaty negotiations wherein the U.S. pretty much made up the rules. This environment and thinking seems to be instilled in Gordon and in his thinking…..the superiority of the white race. He cannot see China’s peaceful rise. He cannot view China in today’s world in a objective setting. Some would call him a racist. All, in all, history will define his success or failure as a chronicler of history and the truth about China’s miracle and rise (again) in today’s world.

Wikipedia says: “Chang continues to maintain that China is on the brink of collapse and that the people are one step away from revolution. Chang also argues that China is a "new dot-com bubble", adding that the rapid growth by China is not supported by various internal factors such as decrease in population growth as well as slowing retail sales. In a separate interview, he remarked that China achieved its 149.2 percent of its current trade surplus with the United States through "lying, cheating, and stealing" and that if China decided to realize its threat that had been expressed since August 2007 to sell its US Treasuries, it would actually hurt its own economy which is reliant on exports to the United States; the economy of the United States would be hurt by a sell-off of Treasuries, causing the United States to buy less from China, which would in turn hurt the Chinese economy.”

I think Gordon needs to reread the history about China, especially prior to and during the war with the foreign powers and with Japan. Though he lived in Shanghai and Hong Kong, he still seems to be an outsider with a pre-war American prospective of China. I suggest he read “The China Mirage’ by James Bradley to better understand China. Whether he likes it or not, China is a part of his heritage.


New Member
Kevin Chung

I used to think of Gordan Chang as a Chinese ‘Uncle Tom’, but now I realize he is much worse than that. He isn’t just subservient to white folks (the definition of an Uncle Tom), but he has to bash China twice as a hard compared to even the most extreme right-wing white-spremacist, in the vain attempt to show that he isn’t one (a Chinese). He’s a horrible and pathetic person, and it is his self-loathing that drives him to be so venomous towards China.

To understand him, we need to focus on his childhood. More specifically, the racist abuse and discrimination he endured during his formative years as a result of his Asian appearance.

Rather than blaming his victimizers, he blames his own Chinese appearance, he blames China and everything Chinese.

He is like the wimp who gets bullied, and rather than fighting back, tries to find new victims for his oppressors to oppress. Not only that, but he partakes in the abuse with twice the viciousness as other bullies in order to fit in.

As immigrants, we have met these types of individuals before. Those who are of the same ethnicity, yet want nothing to do with the newcomers, as they believe it will make them look bad. Those who want to distance themselves as much as possible from newcomers of the same ethnicity, in order to avoid being categorized together. Those who denigrate and treat people of the same ethnicity with contempt, in a misguided belief that this will secure their status as “honourary whites”. Those who would say things like “you people” to people of the same skin colour.

He is nothing but scum, living a life of denial.


New Member
If he loathes everything Chinese then why has he been married to a Chinese woman for the past 30 years? Maybe you are just a dumb ass who doesn't know what the murdering thugs who run your country are doing because they censor what you can see.


If he loathes everything Chinese then why has he been married to a Chinese woman for the past 30 years? Maybe you are just a dumb ass who doesn't know what the murdering thugs who run your country are doing because they censor what you can see.
Don't conflate Chinese with ccp lah it is obvious he badmouthing ccp for stealing his money. :biggrin: