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An Indian woman gave trouble during coronavirus




Now people should understand why filthy Indian slut accusing others slut kt latha gave me trouble. No need valid reasons at all.


Now people should understand why filthy Indian slut accusing others slut kt latha gave me trouble. No need valid reasons at all.
Suay chee like me get attack by Ho Mia chee like filthy Indian slut accusing others slut kt latha based on nothing but her filthy Indian mind and mouth.


Suay chee like me get attack by Ho Mia chee like filthy Indian slut accusing others slut kt latha based on nothing but her filthy Indian mind and mouth.
Ho Mia chee kt latha can attack suay people and get away scot free while evil filthy pieces of shit chinese Indian and malay attack the suay chee virgin as slut whore mistress.


Ho Mia chee kt latha can attack suay people and get away scot free while evil filthy pieces of shit chinese Indian and malay attack the suay chee virgin as slut whore mistress.
Nothing racist just stating what happened to a suay chee chinese. Chinese instead of helping Chinese made up at least 90% of the whistling dogs and harassers I met from Malaysia to Spore from online to offline. Great 5000 year culture of bullying so called own people!


Alfrescian (Inf)
If the gahmen serious about clamping down on self-proclaimed sovereigns like this one, they just need
to spend 30 minutes seated along the East Coast Park - when the these sovereigns walk about without
a mask on.


If the gahmen serious about clamping down on self-proclaimed sovereigns like this one, they just need
to spend 30 minutes seated along the East Coast Park - when the these sovereigns walk about without
a mask on.
Ya there’s another sovereign one Indian troublemaker indeed.


Just like how sons of Ho Mia chee Cantonese prostitutes @sweetiepie @Valium etc get away scot-free viciously abusing me a virgin as slut whore mistress.
@rotiprata is another Cantonese liar son of Ho Mia chee prostitute accusing me a virgin a slut so proud to gang up with filthy Indian slut accusing others slut kt latha. Hey coward CRIMINAL BULLY DOG go to my twitter and post your filthy comments of me and do Cantonese proud.


Nothing racist just stating what happened to a suay chee chinese. Chinese instead of helping Chinese made up at least 90% of the whistling dogs and harassers I met from Malaysia to Spore from online to offline. Great 5000 year culture of bullying so called own people!
Of course not counting those harassing missed calls from India to Malaysia to Saudi Arabia that I received from Indians.


@rotiprata is another Cantonese liar son of Ho Mia chee prostitute accusing me a virgin a slut so proud to gang up with filthy Indian slut accusing others slut kt latha. Hey coward CRIMINAL BULLY DOG go to my twitter and post your filthy comments of me and do Cantonese proud.
@rotiprata is best manifestation of great 5000 year culture of viciously bullying own people indeed.


Now people should understand why filthy Indian slut accusing others slut kt latha gave me trouble. No need valid reasons at all.
Well at least Indians support their own people as proudly proclaimed by filthy Malaysian Indian liar son of whore criminal bully @Bad New Brown “of course I ONLY support my own people kt latha”.

A Singaporean

If the gahmen serious about clamping down on self-proclaimed sovereigns like this one, they just need
to spend 30 minutes seated along the East Coast Park - when the these sovereigns walk about without
a mask on.
Actually CECA are sovereigns recognised by the PAP.


Well at least Indians support their own people as proudly proclaimed by filthy Malaysian Indian liar son of whore criminal bully @Bad New Brown “of course I ONLY support my own people kt latha”.
Chinese traitor dogs 走狗汉奸 @Valium @laksaboy @zhihau love to support Indians in crimes too. As long as they get benefits out of it they will support and then proudly proclaim can eat don’t waste. Can steal photos will happily steal.