There are limits and it is always important to know your limits.
Yes, we have to be realistic. The PAP only revealed their plans AFTER they came into power. Before that, no one had a clue. Moreover, information needed by the opposition to make any sort of plans are out of bounds to them but easily available to the PAP. So yes, there are limits, the limits imposed by the PAP.
(1) demonstrate and verbalize a sense of compassion for our fellow singaporeans.
In one of the constituencies which voted one of opposition candidates into parliament, how did the vote swing towards the opposition candidate? The incumbent PAP candidate had shown in no uncertain terms his disdain for the people in his ward, much like some of the current PAP MP's are doing right now. This was obviously a major put off to the residents.
Along came this opposition candidate. He immediately showed his humility and passion to hear the people out. He sat down with them and listened to them. No grassroots leaders would touch him with a ten foot pole. Nevertheless, he doggedly did his rounds, listening and talking with the people even into late hours of the night.
Come elections, he was given the mandate. The PAP candidate did his SOP rounds the following morning and the people were hurling ice cubes at him to show their disgust for him. Contrast this with a warm welcome to their newly elected MP, an opposition candidate.
Immediately, all infrastructure set up for the defeated PAP MP were removed and the PAP put all sorts of road blocks to make this new opposition MP as difficult as possible to serve the people. Getting funds (tax payers' money) for limited upgrading works was denied to him. Even planting of trees in his constituency with the residents to improve the environment there is not even allowed. This is just to name a few instances.
This opposition MP did his best in parliament but against all odds against the PAP bully boys he had not a sliver of a chance. Outside of parliament, he showed his complete compassion in relating to the people in his ward and was a constant face around throughout his tenure as their representative even till this day and he deserved every bit the continued support from his constituents. Have the other constituencies learnt anything from this?
The PAP candidates on the other hand expect respect and commitment of support from the voting public. New PAP candidates are introduced during elections only to hide within a GRC to facilitate their entry into parliament. Nothing was known of them of what were their objectives in their wanting to be elected into office. Serving the people is the last thing in their minds. They all look forward to a rosy future with their path all paved in gold. Yet the people whom they grudgingly serve would vote these unknowns in. So are we giving the same fair chance to the opposition who had to work for themselves to garner support without the PAP and civil service machinery backing them?
Just look at the parliament sittings and see how many of the PAP members are missing or sleeping. They are too busy looking for their handsome rewards for being a member of an exclusive and elite class. You heard the mention of us lesser mortals; you heard of MPs having multiple directorships and one even voiced dissatisfaction for being paid ONLY $10,000 dollars in one of his many directorships he holds. So how would such people ever want to serve the people? They are there to serve themselves and only themselves.
Giving out angpows, scholarships and cutting ribbons are all prearranged for them and they just make an appearance as a wayang to show the people they still care. Do they really actually care for their constituents? You are right, these shows are very mechanical or even plastic.
(2) Carry forth this sense of compassion to the Parliament, as representative of the people.
You need to understand the meaning of state controlled media. Anything that happens in parliament that show the opposition candidates in good light is guaranteed to be edited out. This is why telecast of parliament sittings are delayed broadcasts. Any minor incident that shows the opposition MPs in not so good standing is highlighted in the telecast, but if a PAP member screws up, then it is edited away. So what does the general public see on television of the opposition MP's against the PAP members? The answer is obvious. As you mentioned before, only half truths biased towards the PAP.
Having only one opposition member (or even 6) in parliament will be cannon fodder for the PAP bully boys and the state controlled media. This has been proven out before and the situation will never change.
(3) There is room for at most 3 messages to the electorate
The opposition is not obligated to make the PAP better as much as the PAP has never made the opposition any better. The PAP has said this so many times. In fact, the PAP has used a lot of unethical methods to try to do the opposition in.
Yes, the opposition candidates do go around selling themselves as a check and balance on the PAP. However, among voters, you and I know that with all that bitching and complaining about the PAP, come elections they will still still vote for the PAP. Promises of upgrading of estate, goodies thrown at them will easily buy them out.
There was someone who posted in the old forum that his aunty votes for the PAP because she gets to participate in free lunches thrown by the PAP MP and no amount of persuasion or logical discussion will change her mind.
A post by another said that he overheard a group of taxi drivers in a coffee shop practically screaming curses at the PAP but it turned out later when he opened his door to his MP visit, tagging along with the PAP MP were these same taxi drivers whom he found out were the grassroots leaders. So what rewards were keeping their loyalty to the PAP even if they had so many gripes against this party?
(4) there will always be the fear that you will replace the PAP. And this is where a united front will rationalize away the fears.
How do you think of an opposition candidate who goes around telling the electorate that if he is elected he is going to help the PAP?
So many arguments have taken place in parliament by the limited opposition members to tell the PAP what they are doing is not in the interest of the lesser mortals and how many times have the PAP ever listened?
For so many times the PAP has claimed credit for the good times to reward themselves with obscene remunerations and bonuses but then to excuse themselves away during bad times. Do we keep on living in the same climate of constantly being threatened by the higher mortals? Is the PAP ever going to listen and understand that Singapore does not just belong to them? They have never done so under this leadership so what makes anyone think that they will ever do so in the future?
Are we better off now economically and socially than the last election, never mind the props being built to satisfy the PAP's ego?
(5) The good news is that you only need to convince 6% of the electorate of the value of this checking mechanism in bettering their lives.
I wish I am as optimistic as you. Percentage counts in a limited sense. With 33% voting against the PAP we see only two opposition MPs. Ridiculous as it sounds, does it take 90% voting against the PAP to get 6 opposition MPs given that each opposition MP needed 33/2 = 16.5% of the votes? Hope you see where I am getting at.