<style></style>Boy Oh boy.You sure have a twisted and tinted idea of how democracy works.I am talking of accountability here.The PM and his cabinet remains accountable to the people all the time.Its not as if you go to the polls every five years and than shut yourself from how the government works for you.You don't elect a government that burdens you ...Instead you elect a government that works for you.And if does not work for you well than its held accountable by the members of parliament,free press ,judiciary and so on.
Err,I don't blame you.Being under 40 years of authoritarian rule we do forget what indeed democracy is all about.
Why than do I talk of defeating only LHL you ask?Well I am no snake oil salesman.I cannot offer you a cure all potion now.I can only suggest the best option under an uniquely GRC electoral system in which the grounds are tilted grossly unfavorable to the oppositions.....So its a choice between the best of all evils so as to speak...Simply put with the little time and the scare resources our oppositions are forced to bear.Go for LHL.It is that are nothing.
Damn, I didn't want to continue with this conversation anymore but...
I am talking of accountability here.The PM and his cabinet remains accountable to the people all the time.
The whole idea is that once you give them the power to govern the country, you are effectively giving up your rights as a citizen to as for transparency and accountability. Haven't you learnt that from the last 40 years?
You don't elect a government that burdens you ...Instead you elect a government that works for you.And if does not work for you well than its held accountable by the members of parliament,free press ,judiciary and so on.
I totally agree with you on this above statement. However, you have to take a look around. We are living in the real world, not in the cyber world where we can say anything we want and hope for the best come election day. When the citizens choose comfort over ideals, what can the minority voice like ourselves do to make a difference? As I have mentioned in the above point, once you give them the mandate, you effectively GIVE up your rights for T&A.
In your starting post, you mentioned:
So the bottom line is that only through LKY demise can there be any real electoral change.Why not bring that change by defeating just the PAP key figure in coming election.
Now,this is how it goes.The opposition must put up its dream team regardless of opposition party's affliction.Yeah its a tall order.No ! its a very very tall order but it must be done.Than the choice is between LKY or LHL.Obviously LHL is the weaker link.Besides defeating LHL would loosen LKY's grip within PAP.
Now, let me once again emphasize the point I'm trying to make. LHL is NOT the weak link, removing him will NOT change anything as long as the PAPies have a MAJORITY in terms of vote. Effectively, it's still handling the mandate back to them, albeit to another person. LKY is the one currently calling the shots. It's safe to say that the rest are mere puppets on strings. Even if you defeat LHL, nothing is going to change!
To really overthrow the PAPies and to restore some form of democracy, we need to have good oppositions who are willing to SHOW THEIR BLOODY FACES MORE OFTEN to the public and communicate with the ordinary folks like you and me, and not ONLY appear when elections are drawing near. The next step they need to do is to ensure that the points they are trying to drive home is well understood by the folks on the streets. By that I mean the chinese educated, the low income level folks. Instead of trying to finger-point on the things which the PAPies have done, they should instead tell the people what changes they will be bringing for them. The general public is not stupid, you know? They are aware of the problems which the PAPies have caused, however they are still voting for them, not because the PAPies dangle goodies to them, but because the opposition FAILED to convince them on the things which the opposition will do for them if they are given the mandate to run the country.
You have to think long term when you are in politics. 40 years is not exactly long, however it's enough for the PAPies to gain knowledge and experience towards the mentality of the citizens. What have the opposition been doing?
Don't tell me about waving police reports, standing during rallies, distributing fliers to the public. Are all these effective means of reaching out to the public? Why not hold public discussion forums with the public? Invite the PAP folks to be present too. Let both the public and the PAPies see what vision/plan they have in their mind if they are being elected to run the country. No point all the hot air talks ONLY when elections are drawing near.