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Amy Khor 3 trays of eggs were gifts. Investigate this old cunt.


I don't quite agree on this view of yours.
Although the amount of $ involve with the gift does matter to determine if it is a bribery or corruption, there is this thing known as "on the way pick up kind of greed "
Someone with a higher authority eg a boss of mine always like to pass by my desk and on the way pickup some goodies from me eg biscuits, tidbits etc

At that time of covid lockdown, eggs were considered scarce so she could have used her power to obtain it without paying for it. This need an investigation to find out the truth.

That was also the reason that a polis friend cum colleague of mine refused to accept a sweet or coffee offered by me.

1. Under Public Service Division rulings, any gifts below $50, an officer can keep such gifts after considerations of any conflict of interest.

2. CPIB officers, even if they have no cases to investigate should corruption not exist (LOL), would laff if they have to investigate below $50 cases when already rulings had determined such as acceptable.

3. During COVid 19 era, there no doubt were CONCERNS about scarcity of not just eggs, but much essential daily foods, but such were MISGIVEN, as NONE had any issue obtaining such foodstuffs, even eggs, from wet markets or NTUC.

Even as our major supplier of such foods - Malaysia - had raised prices or cut supplies, our govt yet had managed to RESOURCE from other Nations, such as Brazil, to make such foodstuffs available to all.