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Amigo's beer truck capsized on expressway GPGT! Whole fucking village came out to get FOC beer! 干杯! Yum Sing! Huat Ah!



墨西哥啤酒货车侧翻 百人狂抢有女子现场豪饮(图)

2019年04月07日 15:52 海外网


原标题:墨西哥啤酒货车侧翻引百人狂抢 警察不管轮胎都被偷(图)
海外网4月7日电 当地时间3日,墨西哥一地区发生了一起车祸,一辆运载啤酒的货车翻倒在地。这起事故立即引来了约100人的围观。但赶来的群众们不是为了满足自己对事故现场的好奇心,甚至都不是出自对司机的担忧,他们来的目的仅仅是为了喝“免费”的啤酒。
这是墨西哥两天内发生的第二起啤酒货车事故。就在此次事故发生前两天,墨西哥另一地区也发生了类似的啤酒货车侧翻事故,而货车被抢的结果也是一样的。(海外网 濮阳艺婧)


Mexican beer trucks roll over 100 people rushed to have a woman on the spot booze (Figure)
April 07, 2019 15:52 Overseas Network

Original title: Mexican beer trucks turn over and lead hundreds of people to rob the police, regardless of the tires are stolen (Figure)
Source: Mexico Daily News Source: Mexico Daily News

Overseas network April 7th Local time on the 3rd, a car accident occurred in a part of Mexico, a truck carrying beer fell to the ground. The accident immediately attracted about 100 people. But the people who came here were not trying to satisfy their curiosity about the scene of the accident, nor even from the concerns of the drivers. They came only to drink "free" beer.

According to the comprehensive Mexican daily news and Fox News, about 100 local villagers quickly arrived at the scene on the Campeche-Merida highway because of the accident. accident scene. The villagers did everything they could to bring the beer on the truck to their homes. Some people couldn’t even wait to get home, and opened a few bottles of beer on the spot. Among them was a woman who came to use the "free" beer to quench her thirst after completing heavy work.
Source: Mexico Daily News Source: Mexico Daily News

However, things are not over here. Because the local police did not stop or arrest these villagers, these people not only enjoyed the beer, but even the truck tires were stolen. In response, the villagers said in an interview that they did not feel guilty and thought that stealing beer was no big deal for the brewery because the goods were insured.

This is the second beer truck accident in Mexico in two days. Just two days before the accident, a similar beer truck rollover occurred in another part of Mexico, and the result of the truck being robbed was the same. (Overseas Network, Xiangyang Geisha)

Editor in charge: Zhang Shen



編輯 張中宜 報導

2019/04/07 15:53

圖/翻攝自El Independiente Veracruz 臉書


圖/翻攝自El Independiente Veracruz 臉書

圖/翻攝自El Independiente Veracruz 臉書


更新時間:2019/04/07 15:53

Card car beer overturned! Hundreds of people are snapping up like a living corpse... the police are watching coldly
Edited by Zhang Zhongyi
2019/04/07 15:53




Photo / Reversal from El Independiente Veracruz Facebook
A truck accident occurred in Mexico a few days ago, causing the trucks to be filled with canned beer scattered. After unexpected exposure, hundreds of people rushed into the scene of the accident, began to frantically grab free beer, and even some people "opened on the spot." What is stupid is that the Mexican police did not stop it, but let the people go home and carry the beer in one box and one box.

Photo / Reversal from El Independiente Veracruz Facebook

According to a comprehensive foreign media report, the accident occurred on the road in Campeche, Mexico. At that time, a large truck carrying beer was accidentally overturned, and the beer of the whole vehicle was scattered on the side of the road. It has attracted more than 100 people to go crazy. It can be seen from the photos that in order to grab free beer, even the children have joined the movement, and even some people have "opened up" on the spot. According to reports, the tires of the truck were stolen at the scene. Going, the scene is quite out of control.

Photo / Reversal from El Independiente Veracruz Facebook

At that time, although the Mexican police had pulled the blockade, but the act of seeing the exaggeration of the people did not stop, many people painfully approved the police to do nothing. In addition, the people involved in the transfer received media interviews afterwards, and they also confidently stated that "the brewery has insurance for goods, so there is no need to worry about any loss". It seems that this behavior is quite reasonable.

The most HOT topic is here! Want to keep up with current events, hurry up to join TVBS News LINE friends!
Update time: 2019/04/07 15:53


Alfrescian (Inf)
Card car beer overturned! Hundreds of people are snapping up like a living corpse... the police are watching coldly

The most HOT topic is here! Want to keep up with current events, hurry up to join TVBS News LINE friends!
Edited by Zhang Zhongyi
yup, the police rather prefer their beer cold, especially in a hot topic like this - burp! :wink:


Old Fart
All those beaners must've ran like speedy gonzales to the truck! Free cerveza for the masses!


Some yummy Amigos Nachos to go with the Free Beer!


The only ones cursing and swearing are the beer truck's insurance firm they Kan Kah Buay Suay 鸟到不会洗!

Huat !


yup, the police rather prefer their beer cold, especially in a hot topic like this - burp! :wink:

Fucking matas must shoot the looters!

Mata not doing their fucking job is a crime in collusion with looters!

Arrest the matas!

Looting is a crime!

syed putra

Godless heathen pagan.
These are remnants of the mayans who once ruled mexico and turned slaves by the conquistadors. They should impose bumi policy right aewy to correct the injustice.