Well, alcohol like anything that has an impact on humans tends to be a double-edged sword. The simple act of getting poked for blood or other reasons requires alcohol for safety. I'm not going to go into other medical or other uses for alcohol, but there more than a few.
I'm not very familiar with too many drugs, but opioids are used in other medicines as well too. As are coca alkaloids. Try going to the dentist or having something done without local anaesthetic.
Opioids and coca alkaloids are plant alkaloids like caffeine and other such alkaloids. Despite my rather cursory knowledge of medicine, I'm pretty confident in saying that no sane doctor or patient would do without them if offered and needed.
You certainly have a point that excess alcohol is destructive, but there is no fatwa about guns is there? Whose only use is purely and absolutely destructive? I would think we should start by declaring guns haram first before you go after double-edged swords.