Don't mind if I share something with the brothers here.
We are all men. And most men are sexually driven. But my opinion of Steve is not that at all. Not that he is gay or something. But he seems to be driven by a more righteous kind of principle (to put it simply, he is a naive dinosaur).
Steve was my classmate and uniform group friend in my old school days. We are not extremely close, but because a group of us were interested in Xin Yao we tend to hang out more. He is a simple person. All these years, I only know a handful of people that I can call 'decent', and he is one of them. Maybe all these years society had changed him? I don't know really. But somehow a person's core personality I feel don't change that easily.
Steve looks older now. When he was younger, he was very charismatic and sings well. You can imagine the amount of chicks that fell for him. Some of us were jealous looking from afar, but him being a dinosaur, kept his distances as he told us he still studying cannot do anything to displease parents. Duh! How many hot blooded teenage boys can endure such temptations?! Wasted right?
When I saw Steve being introduced as one of the new batch of candidates, I was deep down happy and sad for him at the same time. He is a patriot (a stubborn dumb one in fact

) and he deserve to be where he is, but the sad thing is he joined the wrong side. Having experience with the ruling party, I told my wife it would be difficult for Steve to go far in such an ugly environment. He is too stubborn a chap, and I sincerely do not believe he will do things against his conscience for very long. To me the ruling party is filled with the highest qualified low lives you can find on earth. So what the best doctors or lawyers, when you request citizens to chop off their arms and legs first before willing to do anything for them? It is the character and person, not how qualified or how well known you are to be fit to be an MP. But sadly, our government had chosen to go by the route of pure elitism, which we can see the results now with the amount of people contesting. The amount of people contesting alone is a clear indication of failure. If most were happy, no one would have bothered. And what's the difference between opposition and ruling party supporters? Those for opposition willingly go and support on their own. Those for ruling party were asked to go by their bosses. Cheer louder, higher chance of promotion and pay increase. What a joke those clowns are. I missed the days in the eighties where PAP candidates were sincere and hot blooded people wanting to serve the country. Maybe its time to see another party rising to take its place.
Coming back to Steve's awkward situation, yes he may not look as handsome now, but as career goes and being a funny guy with good singing voice, how many girls will fall for him now still, and is broken hearted when he rejects them? I saw a few during my teenage days with Steve. So I am not surprised if there are a few vengeful souls he hurt in the past wanting to tear him to pieces and not want to see him go far. Until those ladies come out from the dark and lodge a formal inquiry and legal action against Steve, I would feel this is all BS personal attack. But maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Steve now can see how great and loyal the ruling party is toward him. Our elites will never hesitate to sacrifice anyone outside their closed circle. Steve grew up in Potong Pasir, think he will do better with the opposition parties and find a better job in the private sector instead. I just wish he and his family to be strong to endure pass this saga.