The 69.87% just affirm the following:
Tan Chuan-Jin - Elderly collecting cardboards are just merely doing their exercise.
PAP's 6.9 million population white paper is the right and correct direction the country should be heading
So, don't complain should this number be raised to 10 million within the next 5 years.
Forget about raising CPF minimum sum and extending the CPF withdrawal age.
Because soon, CPF is not longer your money.
For the collective good, all of us will have to exercise our collective responsibility responsibly.
We have to trust that the strong new mandate given to PAP to safeguard and utilize the CPF money for the common good.
The 69.87% again affirms
Pinky's praise on NMP Chia Yong Yong's excellent speech on CPF.
There would be no more fuck ups by the PAP government.
Afterall, self check would resolve all these fuck ups.
But, the same cannot be said for WP.
Accountability and Transparency
What is that??
Never heard of.