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ALL NLB Libraries To Close. No more free aircon for Smelly Smelly uncles and aunties!


NLB To Close All Public Libraries From 7 Apr, Book Loans Will Be Extended

The Singapore government announced a suite of heightened social distancing measure on Friday (3 Apr).

Particularly, all workplaces are to cease operations, except those providing “essential” services or are in key economic sectors.

In light of this, the National Library Board (NLB) announced on Saturday (4 Apr) that all public libraries will close from 7 Apr – 4 May.


Thankfully, loan durations will be extended so you don’t have to worry about ending up with a hefty fine at the end of the period.

NLB libraries to close, bookdrops will not be available

According to NLB’s Facebook notice, the closure will apply to all 25 public libraries, the National Library Building, National Archives of Singapore Building, and the Former Ford Factory.


These facilities will be closed from 7 Apr – 4 May.

Throughout the one-month period, on-site services such as bookdrops and reservation lockers will not be available.

Now, if you’re worried about not being able to finish your books on time, NLB has kindly extended the loan duration until 3 weeks after 4 May. There will also be no overdue fines imposed.

NLB online services still available

Though book-lovers will no longer be able to visit physical libraries, NLB’s online services are still available on their website and via the NLB app.

Patrons will have access to a large pool of resources on these digital platforms, such as eNewspapers and eMagazines.

In light of the ‘circuit breaker’ measures, the NLB has also introduced “learning packages” on its app to educate Singaporeans about pandemics and other self-improvement topics.

Singaporeans are advised to visit NLB’s website and their social media pages for the latest updates.

Hope Singaporeans will enjoy NLB’s online resources

While library closures would surely come as a devastating blow for many book-lovers, we’re heartened that the NLB has introduced measures so patrons will not be penalised for not returning their books on time.

That said, we’re sure Singaporeans will enjoy the abundant resources available via NLB’s online platforms.

These are truly unprecedented times and lives cannot be expected to go on as per normal.

But together, we can overcome this outbreak if we work together and abide by the measures put in place.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the libraries are very good places for sleeping. the staff are not nice, always wake people up.


Then all those hardworking librarians must take annual leave liao....stay home and fuck and have chewren.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the libraries are very good places for sleeping. the staff are not nice, always wake people up.

Certain libraries are not, because due to the layout and/or the lack of a children's section, screaming and running brats run around and have to be shushed by the librarians.