Dhey Countryman, have you forgotten the phrase, "In Rome, do as what the Romans Do?" As an Indian Singaporean, I have not encountered any racist Chinese perhaps if at all they must be from the mainland china. Before Thambi you open your mouth to complain, take a step back, pause and reflect your India Indian attitudes, behavior and characteristics first before making such racist comments yourself. I, Me and Myself, am disgusted with you India Indians, for being so high nosed, rude, not apologetic, thinking you Guys are the smartest and everyone else in Singapore are stupid, the list goes on.....but in restropect, you People from India are the worst of the human species in your character, backstabbing, Vermont tongue and bladi B.O. Dhey Thambi go back to your Corrupted, toiletless, raping every hour country and do us a favour don't come back para pundek.