it is crazy to debate about the one day jail. What I want to know is the 14 months jail. FCUKING CRAZY SG JUSTICE SYSTEM.
Looks like you difficulty understanding the illegality of organ trading and deterrence sentencing
That is where the art and not science comes in bro.Please lah, you think Tang is so stupid not to have tried to do this first if it could have been done legally to avoid the current laws in S'pore? As it now stands it would have been illegal regardless of legal advice
I thought organ trading will be made legal soon. If that is the case, there is no need for deterrence sentencing anymore, tiobo?
good point.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=msgleft width="1%" rowSpan=4></TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>1025.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>Double standards again? The CK Tang guy only squat 1 afternoon.
Sep 4, 2008
Jail for man with cancer
A 58-YEAR-OLD man with terminal lung cancer will be spending some of his final days behind bars.
Heng Wa Seng will be serving seven months in jail for corruption, managing two unlicensed massage parlours and hiring a foreigner who had no work permit.
District Judge Chia Wee Kiat heard that Heng is suffering from advanced lung cancer that doctors say is incurable.
The court was not told how long he is expected to live, only that he is undergoing chemotherapy at the National Cancer Centre.
Police caught him running an unlicensed massage parlour in Upper Serangoon Road in July last year. Instead of closing shop, he continued operating until February. During that time, Heng also ran an unlicensed massage parlour in Yishun Avenue 11.
One of his hires was a 28-year-old Chinese national, Zheng Xiao Mu, who had no work permit.
Heng also received an $800 bribe from another Chinese national, Lin Zhihong, in May 2006 for using his name to register a massage parlour on her behalf. Yesterday, he was jailed for four months on this charge of corruption.
The unemployed Heng will serve another three months behind bars because he was unable to pay a $12,000 fine that accompanied the convictions for running the massage parlours.
The Rule of Law means that compliance with Acts of Parliament is not a matter of choice. No one is above the law.
Prof Walter Woon
If I were Tang I would have given that twat Janine Tay a bollocking after her wayang performance on the telly, won him no favours at all. On the otherhand, his childhood chum Keith Chua spoke in a rational and measured tone. Also Bull's cachet appears to have gone up a notch or two with this case.
Tang's nephew in law on the otherhand must be seriously shitting in his pants now if the $100K commission allegation is in fact true
So Woon is so righteous that if it was him he would follow law to the D (death). He is so theorectical and impractical with his rebuttal. C'mon, it is human nature to try to avoid death at all costs and risks. Of course Tang has the financial means to get to that organ such as bring his medical entourage to a foreign facility to carry out the transplant. Alternatively he should have consulted his friendly lawyer how to 'formalise' acceptable donorship if done in Singapore.
i still think it is an unfair judgement.
just because the guy is a rich guy they gave him special treatment. If he has not asked the middle man for lobang, the middle man would not have comitted the crime.
just like some bro said if someone paid another person to kill someone one..the mastermind only get 1 day jail? cannot be right?