I am happy to see some old forummers like Scroobal, Locke, Porfirio, but miss some of the others. It would have been fun to hear the views of some of the popular forummers in the old forum and spar with them. I am giving a list of their nicks and wondering whether anyone is still there. If you are still here, I just want to say Hi..!And if you are not, well tough luck
Here are the nicks (there could be some spelling errors):
- Ng Ejay
- QXP: I wonder how he will use his language to take a dig at LKY.
- Bkworm: A solid thinker
- Ptrader: A SDP loyalist who couldn't stand WP or PAP.
- Lambaste:
- peasantjudge:
- Sneering Tree: I think he is still around and active.
- jw5
- zhihau:
- jacy
The ladies that I missed:
- Tracy Tan: I think she was from SPH and always wanted to ferret out opinion here with her one liner questions
- Bellepepper: A remarkable writer, who had a way with words especially sarcasm
- EW69:
- The lady who would complain of illness caused due to insecticide spraying. I think she was delusional.
What happened to some of these guys:
- Injunction
- sirnotswit
- The guy who had cancer and talked about it here
Has sam continued with his English classes on the usage of advice and advise?
Anyone wants to add to the names or just update what happened to these guys?
Of course i am ugly and worthless like all the other toilet slurping keling.
I find it amazing that you guys even want to go back to Singapore
Wages are low and the environment is not good for raising kids
If you want an Asian environment, Taipei and Tokyo are much better places
What happened to some of these guys:
- Injunction
- sirnotswit
- The guy who had cancer and talked about it here
The guy who had cancer was LifeofRiley wasn't it? Talked a bit about horse racing too.
Yeah, those were the days. After the 2006 elections, I saw that Sinkee had no hope and migrated in 2009. But I never left the forum, lots of juicy gossips and things to learn. I was hoping you'd come back for this election and there you are! Enjoyed all your postings and remembered you once wrote something about yourself volunteering to help/teach the delinquents or youngsters. Your help will be even more needed now!
Hi Serendipity,
Definitely remember you as one of the few oldies who had fairly solid info, accurate analyses and predictions as compared to the one or two oldies who would bullshit their way by passing off 100 gossips, hearsay and guesstimates as "insider facts" and clinging on to that one which came in right in order to salvage their reputations.
It may surprise the oldies but, like the WP and NSP of the early 90s, I used to dislike the SDP under Chiam See Tong for their arrogance and was rooting for the WP then. I was never a fan of arrogance.
I will post some old 90 articles below and in a new thread for the newer forummers to have a sense of Chiam's SDP arrogance when they had 4 seats.
Hopefully, it will be instructive to the WP and their supporters as I sense a creeping arrogance in LTK's and his supporters' post election claims language and tone. Hopefully it is nothing more than temporary triumphalism and they are able to get down from cloud nine quickly and be humble.
Anyway good to see you. I pop in here every once in a long while and with the elections over, will unlikely visit this forum after today unless something exciting in Singapore comes up. A new and younger generation has come on board and I supposed oldies like us can all take a very tiny bit of credit for creating that unruly, rambunctious online environment which helped people join in and speak up, albeit anonymously. Credit of course to Sam for creating that platform which allowed us to do so.
Cheers and all the best bro.
Anyone wants to add to the names or just update what happened to these guys?
as much as i gather...
[*]QXP: our warhorse parked his bike at the NLB and got into some trouble it seems.
[*]TracyTan866: i think i saw her posting in 3in1kopitiam as well.
there's also AgentLex, applei and some other folks =)
"Tracy" was in this forum recently. Some people suspect she is Nicole.![]()
Hi Bro
Didn't you see my post to you when you came back just before elections?
I said "Hey! You are back!"
Anyway welcome back to the best nickname in the forum. A happy coincidence.![]()
He didn't just park his bike at NLB.
He allegedly used a bicycle chain to lock the doors of the library.![]()
"Tracy" was in this forum recently. Some people suspect she is Nicole.![]()
Applei was definitely female. If she talks like one, writes like one, behaves like one, must be one!![]()
all you all farts have better memories than me.
lifeofriley, lonewolf, applei, jw5....blast from my past before I was led astray
funny. most people think you go on sammyboy to be led astray. i was led astray after i left sammyboy!
i don't think the intelligence is lower nowadays.just that it was a lot more impassioned 10 years ago. then the sammyboy forum was one of the very few places for alternative to get a fair airing
nowadays, options galore. the energy, the rigour, the passion, is a lot more spread out and the intensity of repression isn't the same anymore
I cant believe that Tracy is Nicole. Their styles dont sync. I think Tracy was with SPH
I think you are right! Anyway, great to have you back S....use to enjoy your "in the corridors of power '' posts in the Delphi Forum.
Couldnt vote in the GE 2011 as am still overseas but our 4 family votes could not have changed the outcome in my GRC ( sigh )
Hi bro
Nice to see u here and feels nice to be remembered. I also agree that oldies like us can take some credit for giving the younger kids some new perspective. I think a couple have already acknowledged.
Going by what I saw in this forum last couple of weeks, the debate around issues is of a lower standard vis-a-vis the old board, though it is much cleaner.
I miss Sam's provocative posts and also his correcting people's English![]()