true, should go wack the chao Ah beng. Pick up fight like angmoh, exchange a few blows on the faces.
One thing must note, for no stamina type Ah Beng their blows is usually weak and scratch face only. Pick up fight must need staminas to wack the bastard to crumple.
I had involved in a road bully and was on the way to camp and uniform. reservist. Drive to side of the road first and the bully follow and park behind me. I get off my car and start fighting the 2 fuckers. Army boots kicked 2 fuckers dam jialat and exchange a few blow. 2 fuckers no stamina lembak leow and go back to car and I went back quickly to my car also.
Then rammed and reversed my car backwards and bang at their car. Get out my car and ask them for their ICs and jolted it down, reported police they hit my car.
Si bei song. Simple quick thinking, whoever hit the back of a car is in the wrong, no case. How to explain car reversed back and hit you leh? No logic mata hard to believe your story.
This Sinkie got balls.