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what advice would u give to a guy with this sort of issue.with her female fren?


assuming u have a fren who is a girl. she is say quite chio lah, and got cfm face and good body. she is honest girl, doesn't cheat but divorce before no kids.

then she always jio u to the gym, go biking, go swimming at her club, go running, go nature walks go eat here eat there.

you sort of enjoy her company lah but got one thing that you don't like about her is that she likes to take pictures during all those activities mentioned above either in her bikini at the pool or her sexy sports bra and skin tight gym wear during land activities.

the worst thing is she likes to post these pictures on her social media instagram for her friends to comment how good she looks blah blah blah. to me, this sort of behavior is shallow and vanity and is no good.

do u think this type of girl is wife material?

well sometimes I think she is.

she is honest and good hearted, though sometimes argumentative but will always say sorry if she knows she had been unreasonable.

but hor, all women age and when they age, they will look more haggard and no longer instalgramable.

imagine u marry her, then she grow old and still instalgram here and instalgram there at the age of 50 how.

not paiseh meh?


No need to wait until 50+.

By 40 it's game over for her. Even if she walks around at HDB void deck in her night gown without bra, her pictures will end up in STOMP, not Instagram anymore.


assuming u have a fren who is a girl. she is say quite chio lah, and got cfm face and good body. she is honest girl, doesn't cheat but divorce before no kids.

then she always jio u to the gym, go biking, go swimming at her club, go running, go nature walks go eat here eat there.

you sort of enjoy her company lah but got one thing that you don't like about her is that she likes to take pictures during all those activities mentioned above either in her bikini at the pool or her sexy sports bra and skin tight gym wear during land activities.

the worst thing is she likes to post these pictures on her social media instagram for her friends to comment how good she looks blah blah blah. to me, this sort of behavior is shallow and vanity and is no good.

do u think this type of girl is wife material?

well sometimes I think she is.

she is honest and good hearted, though sometimes argumentative but will always say sorry if she knows she had been unreasonable.

but hor, all women age and when they age, they will look more haggard and no longer instalgramable.

imagine u marry her, then she grow old and still instalgram here and instalgram there at the age of 50 how.

not paiseh meh?

Ask yourself this question. Why was she divorce in the first place. How well do u know her? What u consider wife material.
We can't anticipate what will happen 10, 20 years down the road, how she will look by then and how her character change.
If look department is what you care about as wife material and her posting in the social media is actually making u jealous, that she trys to show herself to the whole world, u should go deeper than this in saying if the relationship should move 1 step further

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
she is offering herself in the show window...you are one of the options but she still post her sexy fotos becuase she is still looking
so either she treat you like a sister meaning you are no hope or you need to try harder to get her to be exclusive to you and get herself off the shop window.
don't read too much why she divorce,....its tad too common today. You shouldn't dive into marriage either.


i ask serious questions u invite that siaolang here to spam. u very bad:confused:
She post her bikini photos on Instagram because she is divorced and she is looking to market herself in the second-hand market.

If I were her, I would also be nice to you and say sorry. Free lodging, don't forget.

At times when she needs some male Qi, you are always there to donate your precious male Qi.

Wife material ? Someone pointed out that you should find out why divorced. Many women would camouflage divorce with the misconceived notion of marriage annulled based on non-consummation. It gives the impression that she is reasonably new. It's unlikely you will find out the truth.


Ask yourself this question. Why was she divorce in the first place. How well do u know her? What u consider wife material.
the female fren is his housemate. grandfather's best friend granddaughter, grow up together. when the mother left the house to him it includes the housemate. family on both sides want them to be together. where can find such in-law.


assuming u have a fren who is a girl. she is say quite chio lah, and got cfm face and good body. she is honest girl, doesn't cheat but divorce before no kids.

then she always jio u to the gym, go biking, go swimming at her club, go running, go nature walks go eat here eat there.

you sort of enjoy her company lah but got one thing that you don't like about her is that she likes to take pictures during all those activities mentioned above either in her bikini at the pool or her sexy sports bra and skin tight gym wear during land activities.

the worst thing is she likes to post these pictures on her social media instagram for her friends to comment how good she looks blah blah blah. to me, this sort of behavior is shallow and vanity and is no good.

do u think this type of girl is wife material?

well sometimes I think she is.

she is honest and good hearted, though sometimes argumentative but will always say sorry if she knows she had been unreasonable.

but hor, all women age and when they age, they will look more haggard and no longer instalgramable.

imagine u marry her, then she grow old and still instalgram here and instalgram there at the age of 50 how.

not paiseh meh?

One siaolang 断章取义 took just 1 word from your whole post to say that if I called the girl in question a slut, then all Cantonese women are 10x sluts.

Then who is the 1x slut ? Is that an admission by the siaolang that the siaolang is a 1x slut ? :sneaky:


I see no issue here. She's just a friend (A housemate) to you. What's the problem? Your backside is getting more itchy and want to marry her?


you sort of enjoy her company lah but got one thing that you don't like about her is that she likes to take pictures during all those activities mentioned above either in her bikini at the pool or her sexy sports bra and skin tight gym wear during land activities

the worst thing is she likes to post these pictures on her social media instagram for her friends to comment how good she looks blah blah blah. to me, this sort of behavior is shallow and vanity and is no good.

do u think this type of girl is wife material?
pump 1 or 2 children out of her and she will not be wearing her bikini.:biggrin:


kids are family, there is nothing better than family.
i also know lah, like who's going to talk to me when I grow old or send me to hospital to see doctor when I cannot walk properly anymore etc etc...but once got kids means life becomes monotonous leh

syed putra

Divorcee no need to get married mah! Just pretend to live like husband and wife. But she may want children and as she ages, the chances of having healthy kids will diminish.