For comparison in this news. PRC rural town mata shot 2 peasants dead.
GuiZhou minority autonomous region. 2 matas were attending emergency call reporting a violent fighting incident. They rushed to the scene and 4 peasants were engaging in a bloodbath fight.
Mata identified themselves, and order the fighters to stop.
Peasants instead of stopping fight started to assault the matas, and matas FIRED WARNING SHOTS, however, those peasants instead of stopping tried to grab over the mata's guns.
Mata shot dead 2 peasants in the struggle which peasants tried to grab mata's guns.
I think this is a real emergency since the fighters in their bloodbath already lost their heads, and they disregarded even the warning shots, and they simply tried to get the guns to be used in their violent bloodbath, it is lethal consequence for sure if they managed to grab mata's guns.
There were only 2 matas but 4 fighting peasants, potential of more escalated violence involving more peasant's fight and death / injury and death / injury of matas, if the matas' guns were lost.
In Singaporean Tan Bock Song's situation did Tan tried to grab LEEgime mata's gun? I don't think so!
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地方政协官员腐败落马成为政坛新景观</td></tr> <tr> <td style="height: 25px;" valign="center" align="left">
</td></tr> <tr> <td>
</td></tr> <tr> <td>
</td></tr></tbody></table>据 安顺市政府召开的新闻发布会上介绍的情况,1月12日16时20分,关岭县公安局坡贡派出所接群众报警,称坡贡街上有人打架。接警后,该所副所长张磊立即 带领协勤王道胜赶到现场处置。到达现场后,发现两名郭姓村民与另两名村民打架,民警依法亮明身份并立即对打架事件进行制止,其间,被当事人暴力袭击,民警 鸣枪示警后,对方上前抢夺民警配枪,在此过程中,当事的两名村民被子弹击中死亡。