thanks Neddy
i uncovered the following facts which might be useful for those contemplating migration
(1) a citizen pays about 1% of his salary to be enrolled into the public healthcare program Medicare. This program is much more comprehensive than those found in other countries
there is a cost to the Medicare program; the contributions via private salaries account for only 11% of the Medicare running expenses; the remainder are funded by progressive taxation
hence the on-going debate in Australia
(2) there is a competing private healthcare program in place
(3) for migrants, it is best that you migrate before 55 years old for men and 50 years old for women as these are the limits for enrolment into Medicare. If you are above these ages, you might consider remaining a Singapore citizen but staying abroad as it is a very terrible thing not to be able to afford medical care.
The lesson drawn from this is that migration is best undertaken by young adults of 20 years and above.
Many parents are reluctant to let their children migrate. Some of them even feign illness to get them to return home.
But that is shortsighted.
If only they let their children fly when young; then give themselves permission to fly with their children
In this way, they get a range of choices
(4) For those who are older and yet want to migrate, they will need to have some sort of special characteristics that make them valuable to their new country; like money, special business talent, willingness to go to the sub-urban or rural areas to participate in the government special schemes
To be on the safe side, they should have about $200,000 in cash to cater for their medical expenses (hopefully they will be healthy always and when the time comes, go without prolong hospitalization)
the corresponding cost in singapore is not cheap either but i am unwilling to elaborate further
With prices of HDB flats the way they are right now, selling them and getting $200,000 is not much of a problem
Once again, thanks Neddy for your contributions and insights.