What is the market rate in LOS for a maid
Do they usually stay in or only come in during the day. How many days off do they get.
- First of all in Thailand maid does not fall within the minimum salary of 300 baht per day so maid salary varies.
- Most who work as live in maids are Myanmese, some Cambodians. Rarely are there Thais working as maid wich in Thailand are called meh-baan (literally meh = mother ; baan = house or home)
- Thais may work part-time meaning 8-5 type of contracts
- Reason Thais don't want to work as maids are : feel low class ; prefer factory because have friends ; there are plenty of work in factories for Thais.
- Ok so salary for Myanmese maids varies I've heard could be as low as 5,000baht per month, perhaps most do get 8,000 I suspect, I've heard of Myanmese maids being paid 10,000 baht too.
- Note that the minimum salary is 300 baht per day for Thais meaning an average factory worker are paid about 7,000 to 9,000 baht per month minus lodging and food there's normally no more baht for saving.
- Can't tell you how much Thai live-in maids are paid I would guess 8,000 to 10,000 with holidays.
- I do know that maid agencies charge for part-time maids coming in at 8am and finishing at 5pm 5 days a week 12,000 per month, don't know much maid gets.
- There's really no rules and protection for maids I must say. A lot depend on the empoyers.
- I've mentioned how much I paid my maid, on top of that she gets Sundays off and also 7 days holiday during Songkrang with the car for holiday. Her off day on Sunday is actually leaving the home on Saturday evening say around 3-5pm after her chores and returning on Monday morning by 8am so its actually 2 nights and a full Sunday. If wife and I travel and not around on her rest day she has to stay home to take care of the dog, she get paid 1,000 baht as overtime. All medical and personal needs like toiletries, spectacles, top-up cards, home will take care.