Re: A Singaporean's guide to living in Thailand ? Feasible?
Bro, take up Windsor's and Sam's suggestion. The suggested folder mod would certainly need to be someone who is in such a place, gone thru the pain and the pleasure of setting something in one of these countries.
Frankly the forum is lot more organised than it looks and there is little work as Sam is religious in screening and cleaning the place everyday. As it is not going to be a religious site, there will be some sleaze that is expected but if people stick to the main agenda, it should be ok. Just have a look at Wuqi's folder - simple but very informative - visa, where to find mechanic, football team etc. In your case, you already contributed some, more of the same and the occasional post from Bangkok posts,
Chonburfic can also take a stake in the game as he is also very informative. There is already a resource pool of guys who are familiar with at least one of these coountries - Narong, WIndsor, Ramseth, Alamaking, Drifter,KYP, etc Others like postnews and Singveld will provide photographic coverage for big event etc. like they did during the floods.
At least give it a go. No need to be here all the time, even a short time every days will get things, going.
Bro please don't sahboh because I also don't know anything about operating this forum like points and zaps and whatever crap these are please hor I need to work hor many people in Poseidon depending on me hor. No no no I kindda like the idea of "South East Asia - Our Backyard" by scroobal.
Also I to much sleaze liao I disqualify for anything.