Please let me remind all quitters, without PAP, I bet you can't even arrive by plane or boat.
Be thankful... esp when you've taken out your CPF and tripled it within a few years... Be thankful...
Bloody blogger ! tarnish our overseas image. KNN ! hehe...
A Singaporean In Australia
This is an apology from to all users for the missing updates this week entire. The site was actually down for scheduled maintenance but we were too low on budget to hire even a single IT administrator from India to put up a maintenance notice. Any inconvenience was probably intended but there is nothing you can do about it. What I'm missing is my own mainstream media to tell the whole Singaporean someone claimed to be the hacker behind's intrusion. That'll complete the picture nice and proper.
Whether you believe The Messiah is real or a mere conspiracy theory isn't the key. This isn't about DDos, embarrassing the government or sending a message. This is about revolution. All revolutions in history were led by the people, not the government. No successful revolution was without sacrifices. Singaporeans who do not understand this simple fact are the same people who talk about 'peaceful protests'. No government is going to open the door, remove their pants, bend down and let you ram their arses whether you did your request peacefully or not. If your legal peaceful protests gain enough impetus, you will be sure it will be made illegal or non-existent before the spark of revolution can be ignited. In an unique situation like ours, it is totally unnecessary and counterproductive to hold protests at this stage.
The underlying key will be how much Singaporeans is willing to sacrifice for what they believe in. It's a tall order, to choose between an ideal and reality. After all, material comfort, peace, convenience and security is as real as the moment we throw that slip in the white box. That also comes guaranteed oppression, financial slavery, incompetence and elitism on the other side of the balance. How much is the Singaporean willing to take away to lighten both sides of the balance? As far as we can see for now, nothing.
A simple episode of The Messiah shows us how many Singaporeans who normally claimed they are against the government, to write blogs about how they feel The Messiah's approach to send a message was 'wrong'. These are the same Singaporeans who will throw the slip in the white box in 2 year's time because
'I don't know who the opposition is.'
'I must vote them because I am due for promotion this year and I cannot take the risk.'
'The opposition is a mad man, newspaper say one.'
'I hate the PAP but I think this opposition looks beh kan.'
'I rather have a doctor serving (fucking) me than a taxi driver. Aiyah, when I need MP to write a letter, doctor more powerful mah!'
'I won't vote for Nicole Seah because the newspaper say she is into beastility, see, they have a picture of her touching the penis of her soapy dog in a bath tub.'
People power do have the ability to send a message. If every Singapore household refuse to pay their Singapore Power bills the following month after they announce another 20% price hike of electricity, that sends a massage. Do it for two months, it rings the panic bells. Do it for three months the supplies will be cut off. It may be a terrifying thought to live under the dark but not as terrifying for a business to have the majority of their subscribers cut off for a single day and have their cash flow significantly reduced for 2 months. As far as I know, this is not illegal but just try to imagine how Singaporeans will react to the idea. It is too painful for me to even spell out what excuses we will give. If we can't even live a day in darkness, how do we expect not to be walked over in every aspect of our lives?
We have to understand that the PAP is not a group of elites trying to make life difficult for us. It isn't about an incompetent Prime Minister or his mollycoddled team. Ladies and gentlemen, the PAP is not about politics, governance, who is right or wrong, who is better or worse. It is an idea, one which exists because we exist. The life force of this idea drains from our unwillingness to let go of what we have. We are the ones which fuels the flame of the idea by sending our kids to the best schools, give them 10 hours of tuition a week, preparing the next generation that is how life is supposed to be and there is 'no choice' in doing otherwise. We endorse the idea when we take the bus the next day after another price hike announcement. Our selfishness, kiasu and kiasi traits is not a habit. It is a trait that cannot be unlearned.
- See more at:
Be thankful... esp when you've taken out your CPF and tripled it within a few years... Be thankful...

Bloody blogger ! tarnish our overseas image. KNN ! hehe...
A Singaporean In Australia
This is an apology from to all users for the missing updates this week entire. The site was actually down for scheduled maintenance but we were too low on budget to hire even a single IT administrator from India to put up a maintenance notice. Any inconvenience was probably intended but there is nothing you can do about it. What I'm missing is my own mainstream media to tell the whole Singaporean someone claimed to be the hacker behind's intrusion. That'll complete the picture nice and proper.
Whether you believe The Messiah is real or a mere conspiracy theory isn't the key. This isn't about DDos, embarrassing the government or sending a message. This is about revolution. All revolutions in history were led by the people, not the government. No successful revolution was without sacrifices. Singaporeans who do not understand this simple fact are the same people who talk about 'peaceful protests'. No government is going to open the door, remove their pants, bend down and let you ram their arses whether you did your request peacefully or not. If your legal peaceful protests gain enough impetus, you will be sure it will be made illegal or non-existent before the spark of revolution can be ignited. In an unique situation like ours, it is totally unnecessary and counterproductive to hold protests at this stage.
The underlying key will be how much Singaporeans is willing to sacrifice for what they believe in. It's a tall order, to choose between an ideal and reality. After all, material comfort, peace, convenience and security is as real as the moment we throw that slip in the white box. That also comes guaranteed oppression, financial slavery, incompetence and elitism on the other side of the balance. How much is the Singaporean willing to take away to lighten both sides of the balance? As far as we can see for now, nothing.
A simple episode of The Messiah shows us how many Singaporeans who normally claimed they are against the government, to write blogs about how they feel The Messiah's approach to send a message was 'wrong'. These are the same Singaporeans who will throw the slip in the white box in 2 year's time because
'I don't know who the opposition is.'
'I must vote them because I am due for promotion this year and I cannot take the risk.'
'The opposition is a mad man, newspaper say one.'
'I hate the PAP but I think this opposition looks beh kan.'
'I rather have a doctor serving (fucking) me than a taxi driver. Aiyah, when I need MP to write a letter, doctor more powerful mah!'
'I won't vote for Nicole Seah because the newspaper say she is into beastility, see, they have a picture of her touching the penis of her soapy dog in a bath tub.'
People power do have the ability to send a message. If every Singapore household refuse to pay their Singapore Power bills the following month after they announce another 20% price hike of electricity, that sends a massage. Do it for two months, it rings the panic bells. Do it for three months the supplies will be cut off. It may be a terrifying thought to live under the dark but not as terrifying for a business to have the majority of their subscribers cut off for a single day and have their cash flow significantly reduced for 2 months. As far as I know, this is not illegal but just try to imagine how Singaporeans will react to the idea. It is too painful for me to even spell out what excuses we will give. If we can't even live a day in darkness, how do we expect not to be walked over in every aspect of our lives?
We have to understand that the PAP is not a group of elites trying to make life difficult for us. It isn't about an incompetent Prime Minister or his mollycoddled team. Ladies and gentlemen, the PAP is not about politics, governance, who is right or wrong, who is better or worse. It is an idea, one which exists because we exist. The life force of this idea drains from our unwillingness to let go of what we have. We are the ones which fuels the flame of the idea by sending our kids to the best schools, give them 10 hours of tuition a week, preparing the next generation that is how life is supposed to be and there is 'no choice' in doing otherwise. We endorse the idea when we take the bus the next day after another price hike announcement. Our selfishness, kiasu and kiasi traits is not a habit. It is a trait that cannot be unlearned.
- See more at: