Putting aside the wisdom of glorifying colonialism with its exploitation and repression of native races and their lands to extract immense wealth for the home nation, Stamford Raffles was not the hero he is often made out to be.
By many accounts, he was a pathological liar, sociopath, bully, incompetent nincompoop and shyster that would out many CECA folks to shame. A right arsehole, as the Brits would say.
https://www.ricemedia.co/current-af...over the island,Raffles: Schemer or Reformer'.
Sir Stamford Raffles Was a Monster. So What?
Pan Jie
February 11, 2018
Does the guy praise you in public, only to whisper ‘child-molester’ behind your back? Is he also an incompetent jackass who criticizes everything you do but is incapable of owning his own mistakes?
If the answer is ‘yes’, take heart because William Farquhar had such a boss too. His name was no other than Sir Stamford Raffles—full-time national hero and part-time sociopath.
Although Raffles is celebrated for ‘founding’ modern Singapore, historical records show that he was also an asshole, a hypocrite, a pathological liar, a pimp, and a moron who was incapable of managing a Gong Cha outlet, let alone Singapore.
This is the conclusion that readers may draw from Nadia H. Wright’s recently-published book “William Farquhar and Singapore: Stepping out from Raffles’ Shadow”. By celebrating Raffles’s deputy William Farquhar, Ms Wright inadvertently sheds new light on just how much of a prick Singapore’s founder was.