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A Nation Cheated selling fast

Porfirio Rubirosa

The irony is that Dr Chee's book shall probably be available FOC at NLB in the near future, like all his other previous published material. The only political dissident books that I believe do not appear at NLB are Francis Seow's books. Even Ross Worthington's purported 'slapper' book appears to be available at NLB.
Why should this be so in a country with a government that's supposed to be whiter than white, non corruptible, with no atmosphere of fear and threats.
Cultural sensitivities? I take my head off to the guy who came out with that.
So what does great admirers of LKY have to say?


The irony is that Dr Chee's book shall probably be available FOC at NLB in the near future, like all his other previous published material. The only political dissident books that I believe do not appear at NLB are Francis Seow's books. Even Ross Worthington's purported 'slapper' book appears to be available at NLB.

Lee Kuan Yew's "memoirs" are also available FOC at NLB but are sold in bookstores, at onetime even in gas stations!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Looking at all the scenarios in Singapore, the speech in parliament, the people running and controlling the whole systems, the way it has happened and still happening in Singapore to povertised peasants, all these true life stories fall into place to make us believe that there is truth in the book "NATION CHEATED".

Porfirio Rubirosa

You just don't get it eh? CSJ talks about a "nation being cheated" and ironically the purported "cheaters" are even prepared to disseminate CSJ's writings FOC to the public.

Lee Kuan Yew's "memoirs" are also available FOC at NLB but are sold in bookstores, at onetime even in gas stations!


You just don't get it eh? CSJ talks about a "nation being cheated" and ironically the purported "cheaters" are even prepared to disseminate CSJ's writings FOC to the public.

It's yet to be available FOC at the NLB. Notwithstanding, what I'm trying to point out is that CSJ's latest book should not only be at the public library but also be sold at bookstores.

Porfirio Rubirosa

All his earlier titles are available at NLB FOC. As for the latest title I believe it is on order as I already made inquiries a short while ago. Commercial bookstores is a commercial matter. CSJ talks about freedom of speech, well the proof is in the eating of the pudding and his writings are FREELY available in Singapore for anyone who is interested in reading his views, opinions and commentary.

It's yet to be available FOC at the NLB. Notwithstanding, what I'm trying to point out is that CSJ's latest book should not only be at the public library but also be sold at bookstores.


All his earlier titles are available at NLB FOC. As for the latest title I believe it is on order as I already made inquiries a short while ago. Commercial bookstores is a commercial matter. CSJ talks about freedom of speech, well the proof is in the eating of the pudding and his writings are FREELY available in Singapore for anyone who is interested in reading his views, opinions and commentary.

Allow me to share with you a fundamental of Hakka mathematics. Numbers. As in the difference between how many will seek out the book to digest it's essence from the libaries or making outright purchases versus having the contents reflected, forget about syndication, in the main stream media. That is the quarrel about freedom of speech, I believe.
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Allow me to share with you a fundamental of Hakka mathematics. Numbers. As in the difference between how many will seek out the book to digest it's essence from the libaries or making outright purchases versus having the contents reflected, forget about syndication, in the main stream media. That is the quarrel about freedom of speech, I believe.

Yes, it's akin to saying that there is freedom of speech in Singapore because there is a Speakers' Corner!

Porfirio Rubirosa

What you say is obvious and does not really address my pov.

One cannot run away from the fact that CSJ's books are FREELY available, courtesy of the government, to any Singaporean who is interested in finding out more about the man and his ideas, including non violent civil disobedience. Not only CSJ but JBJ's books and books by foreign academics that are highly critical of LKY and PAPs. Like Ross Worthington's Singapore Governance book (with the alleged slapping incident), "Political Theory of Tyranny in Singapore and Burma" by Mccarthy (quite a new publication), "The Singapore Puzzle" by Hass (which contains highly critical essays by afew of LKY and PAPs vocal critics like the late Derek Davies, Lingle and Francis Seow).

The proverbial ball lies in the court of Singaporeans who wish to open their minds and form their own opinions after reading such materials. You can take a horse to the watering hole but you cannot force the horse to actually drink the water:wink:

Allow me to share with you a fundamental of Hakka mathematics. Numbers. As in the difference between how many will seek out the book to digest it's essence from the libaries or making outright purchases versus having the contents reflected, forget about syndication, in the main stream media. That is the quarrel about freedom of speech, I believe.


The proverbial ball lies in the court of Singaporeans who wish to open their minds and form their own opinions after reading such materials. You can take a horse to the watering hole but you cannot force the horse to actually drink the water

Then with a lot of pain I have to concede the fact, which I'm aware of, is that all the horses or sheep in our case only bother to drink from the trough marked '154th'.


That is the idea. The horses, sheeps and goats are given daily doses of 'good, wholesome, honest' grass.



A Nation Cheated continues to fly off shelves
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Singapore Democrats


Kinokuniya Bookstore has placed another order for Dr Chee Soon Juan's latest book A Nation Cheated, barely 10 days from its last one. A new batch of books was just delivered over the weekend. The book is also available at Select Books (Tanglin Shopping Centre)

This is despite the complete news blackout by the local mass media on the book. With absolutely no publicity except through this website, A Nation Cheated is selling robustly in bookstores. Online sales have also seen a constant stream with orders coming in through [email protected]his e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

This is a sign that Singaporeans are increasingly bypassing the state-controlled newspapers for information. The book tackles issues that the Singapore Press Holdings will not address and provides alternative ideas to take Singapore forward.

With the recent financial meltdown in the US and the local economy starting to tank, Singaporeans are beginning to realise that the PAP formula of "growth" has been based on exploitation and the repression.

More important, the cracks are exposing the weakness and vulnerability of the system. Note: In spite of all the PAP hype about the soundness of its policies, Singapore is the first Asian country to go into a recession.

The fact that Singapore's GDP has managed to remain afloat these past few years is not because we have been innovative or that we have been productive. Our economy grew because the Government decided to make our banking system so secretive and non-transparent that criminals, drug barons, and tax evaders have found this place an ideal place to park their ill-gotten gains.

Another source of growth is from the flood of foreigners into this island. When you have a sudden and explosive increase in the number of residents, the inevitable result is GDP expansion. But you don't have to be a genius to see that such an economic gimmick is a one-off that very quickly runs into diminishing returns.

And the societal cost of such a policy has yet to be calibrated. Singaporeans should take note Mr George Yeo's recent revelation that the Government does not have a masterplan to accommodate all the new inhabitants. In the meantime we continue to ignore the severe brain-drain problem where our younger citizens are leaving this country in droves.

All this in a political environment that prohibits citizens from speaking out and makes believe that things here are hunky-dory.

These factors are all examined in A Nation Cheated. The author warns that if Singapore's politico-economic problems are not addressed soon, Singaporeans will face an increasingly bleak future.

Ironically, the censoring of this book is adding to the problem. Get your copy of A Nation Cheated if you haven't already and keep yourself informed. Remember, knowledge is power.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Does the mainstream media publicise all local books in the first place?

Where is the alleged "censoring" of CSJ's book? I gather NLB has already put in its order and the book shall be available FOC just like all of CSJ's previous books.

Ironically do any of the proceeds go towards paying off CSJ's bankruptcy brought about by LKY and son?


A Nation Cheated continues to fly off shelves
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Singapore Democrats


Kinokuniya Bookstore has placed another order for Dr Chee Soon Juan's latest book A Nation Cheated, barely 10 days from its last one. A new batch of books was just delivered over the weekend. The book is also available at Select Books (Tanglin Shopping Centre)

This is despite the complete news blackout by the local mass media on the book. With absolutely no publicity except through this website, A Nation Cheated is selling robustly in bookstores.

Ironically, the censoring of this book is adding to the problem. Get your copy of A Nation Cheated if you haven't already and keep yourself informed. Remember, knowledge is power.


Bro, how many copies do you think they stock for each book? Let's say two copies. A borrower can hold it for three weeks so you'll have 17 times 2 = 34 borrowers in one libary. Multiply it with all the other libaries how many is going to read that book in a year?
As I have said, Hakka mathematics.

Porfirio Rubirosa

My point is with respect to CSJ/SDP's allegation that his book is being "censored". Where is the "censorship"?

Bro, how many copies do you think they stock for each book? Let's say two copies. A borrower can hold it for three weeks so you'll have 17 times 2 = 34 borrowers in one libary. Multiply it with all the other libaries how many is going to read that book in a year?
As I have said, Hakka mathematics.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Ironically, the censoring of this book is adding to the problem

That is what CSJ/SDP said.

In any event whether bookstores carry it or not is a commercial matter. Has the government issued a directive? Is there a legal prohibition? CSJ/SDP themselves already admit that Kino and Select carry the book. I gather NLB is in the process of ordering the book. So where is the "censorship" as alleged by CSJ/SDP?

Did CSJ say this? Well it's a fact stores are fearful of carrying his books.


Eugenics in Singapore


Eugenics in Singapore
Sunday, 09 November 2008
Singapore Democrats


Mr Lee Kuan Yew recently said at the Human Capital Summit held last month: "You marry a non-graduate, then you are going to worry if your son or daughter is going to make it to the university."

Don't gasp. The Minister Mentor was just restating his long-held view that smart people (read university graduates) produce smart people. Such a Hitlerian outlook is repulsive. But in Singapore, no one dares to oppose the man.

In his book A Nation Cheated, Dr Chee Soon Juan reproduces some of Mr Lee's comments on the subject and discusses how they have tragically moulded the Singaporean society:

If truth be told, the PAP's neglect of the poor stems directly from Lee Kuan Yew's personal philosophy. In 1967, the Minister Mentor said that every society has approximately 5 percent of the population:

who are more than ordinarily endowed physically and mentally and in whom we must extend our limited and slender resources in order that they will provide that yeast, that ferment, that catalyst in our society which alone will ensure that Singapore shall maintain its pre-eminent place in the societies that exist in South and Southeast Asia.

Lee repeated his ideas in 1969, this time even more forcefully:

Free education and subsidised housing lead to a situation where the less economically productive people in the community are reproducing themselves at rates higher than the rest. This will increase the total population of less productive people. Our problem is how to devise a system of disincentives, so that the irresponsible, the social delinquents, do not believe that all they have to do is to produce their children and the government then owes them and their children sufficient food, medicine, housing, education and jobs...We must encourage those who earn less than $200 per month and cannot afford to nurture and educate many children never to have more than two. We will regret the time lost if we do not now take the first tentative steps towards correcting a trend which can leave our society with a large number of the physically, intellectually and culturally anaemic.

The Minister Mentor, then Senior Minister, made this point again in 1993:

Singaporeans will not become successful and prosperous by talking and concentrating on dividing the pie. Our journalists write about who are the poor. Give them some money. If he can't study because he's too busy helping his father, we must look after his father and him. We are concentrating on our navels!

One of his faithful ministers, the late S Rajaratnam, echoed his sentiment by sneering, "We want to teach people the government is not a rich uncle. You get what you pay for. We are moving in the direction of making people pay for everything."

A Nation Cheated is available at Kinokuniya Bookstores and Select Books (Tanglin Shopping Centre). For online mail order, please email us at [email protected]his e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Empower yourselves, get a copy of A Nation Cheated


Empower yourselves, get a copy of A Nation Cheated
Monday, 01 December 2008
Singapore Democrats


This evening when some of the SDP activists were returning home after another day in court, we saw a large crowd amassed along Cross Street at the bottom of Block 34.

Everyone's eyes were affixed at a figure that was perched precariously on the parapet at the top floor. Fire engines were present with their emergency lights flashing. The legs of the individual could be seen dangling over the ledge. It was just a slight shift of one's weight before the person plunge to his death.

As the professionals were on hand, we thought it best to leave them to effect the rescue. We just closed our eyes and prayed.

In the past Singapore has recorded, on the average, one suicide every single day. Some die gruesome deaths such as when they throw themselves under oncoming MRT trains. Others, like this person today if he or she jumped, fall horribly to an yielding concrete pavement.

While not all commit suicide out of financial desperation many, if not most, do. And this is during the "Golden Period" that Mr Lee Kuan Yew insisted that we were going through.

The situation seems set to become even more troubling as our economy enters into a recession.

When the going was good in the past few years, it undoubtedly made the rich rejoice as they saw their incomes balloon. The ordinary working folk, however, witnessed the opposite. The Gini cofficient which measure income inequality for Singapore has been increasing over the years.

Many, thankfully, do not take their own lives. But this doesn't mean they are not suffering the desperate crush that poverty brings.

Which leads one to ask: Are Singaporeans really benefiting from PAP rule or are we be constantly fed the mind-numbing propaganda disguised as "news"?


A Nation Cheated, the latest book by Dr Chee Soon Juan, takes a look at modern Singapore and explodes the many economic myths that have been spun both by the PAP and those who have benefited from it.

This subject is especially salient in such uncertain times when our economy is being tested yet again. Whereas recessions have come in (more or less) 10-year cycles in past decades, we are now experience them in greater frequency -- three downturns in the past decade.

It is obvious Singaporeans want to find out more and read beyond the material churned out by our state media because the book continues to sell very quickly even though it was launched three months ago. Kinokuniya Books, with its main branch at Takashimaya SC at Orchard Road has just made another order for the book, its seventh in the brief period.

So don't let the PAP fool you all the time, get a copy of A Nation Cheated. Remember two things: One, knowledge is power and, two, your ignorance is their strength.