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A local han became a hui thanks to minah!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Out of the pot and into the fire, what a stupid chink.:eek:

Tis cheena not stupid. He knows tat in order to gain salvation, one need to work for it. Righteous. Not just believe in fable story like u die for my sin and i go heaven.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I noticed after sept 11, teres a rise in number of converts worldwide. Curiosity brought them closer in seeking the truth after reading the Quran. Islam was never a violent religion as wat the West (media) protrayed. Islam all along a peaceful religion.

They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners. [Q8:30]


Tat mianh is smart. she wan her heir to be smart. A mianh like my hui pure moslem chinese frien here badly and eventually also married. Becos she know chinese is smarter and more financial capable.

My hui frien goes around and the m&ds who just know that he is moslem becos of his moslem name, will always ask him he got sisters ornot. Too bad he dont have.

syed putra

And no one is killing him for exercising his freedom of choice. If a moslem left islam, the moslems here in this forum and beyond would be screaming for his life, his job or harassing his home.
Nonsense. Freedom of faith is a God given right.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Nonsense. Freedom of faith is a God given right.

That is not what muhammad the fake prophet taught. Neither is it endorsed by nearly all the mainstream muftis. Go ask if any of the muftis of jiuhu agree to freedom of faith.

syed putra

That is not what muhammad the fake prophet taught. Neither is it endorsed by nearly all the mainstream muftis. Go ask if any of the muftis of jiuhu agree to freedom of faith.
Jiu hu muftis abandoned their guidance and replaced it with a " fake made up hearsays".


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Jiu hu muftis abandoned their guidance and replaced it with a " fake made up hearsays".

That is your personal opinion and not a fact. Most moslems, including our pig islamists in this forum, endorse coercing moslems to remain in islam.


That is not what muhammad the fake prophet taught. Neither is it endorsed by nearly all the mainstream muftis. Go ask if any of the muftis of jiuhu agree to freedom of faith.
Yes this is true. leave islam u face consequence or death penalty. Then they never ask how will the han chinese parents feel if he convert to moslem just becos of tat mainah. This is total disrespectful. Everything must compromise the moslem.

syed putra

Yes this is true. leave islam u face consequence or death penalty. Then they never ask how will the han chinese parents feel if he convert to moslem just becos of tat mainah. This is total disrespectful. Everything must compromise the moslem.
A person have the right to leave any faith. That is individual rights. If moslem follow the Quran as reference, they would know that.
But moslems long ago abandoned the quran and replaced it with hadiths and thus, a way of life becomes a religion filled with rituals.