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A local han became a hui thanks to minah!

syed putra

the guy should know that Islam is not a religion.
Nor ever meant to be one. You cannot fast nor do 5 daily prayers above arctic circle during summer or winter as somalis found out in Norway as sun either does not set nor rise for 3 months.

syed putra

Deep inside, chinese love easy going malays.

ober 21, 2020

More Than 27,000 Chinese ‘Retirees’ Are In Phl, But Most Of Them Are Only 35 Years Old
Sen. Richard Gordon thinks the matter is a national security concern because the young Chinese retirees could serve as a fifth column or a clandestine force that could be mobilized against the Philippines.
Paolo Romero

Wednesday, October 21, 2020
More Than 27,000 Chinese ‘Retirees’ Are In Phl, But Most Of Them Are Only 35 Years Old
Chinese workers take a break from a Philippine offshore gaming operation facility in Las Piñas City on Aug. 16, 2019. Photo by Edd Gumban, The Philippine STAR
What is the age of retirement?
Senators have expressed alarm over the disproportionately large number and young age of Chinese “retirees” in the country, warning that such foreigners could not only take away jobs from Filipinos but also pose risks to national security.


The presence of mostly 35-year-old Chinese nationals who are spending their retirement in the country was raised at the hearing of the proposed 2021 budget of the Department of Tourism (DOT) that included one of its attached agencies – the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) – on Monday night, Oct. 19.
PRA records showed that the Chinese accounted for the largest number of foreign nationals who chose the Philippines for their retirement, with 27,678, and a majority of them are only 35.
Apart from the Chinese, the foreign retirees’ population in the Philippines is comprised of 14,144 South Koreans, 6,120 Indians, 4,851 Taiwanese, 4,016 Japanese, 3,704 Americans, 1,870 Chinese from Hong Kong, 1,595 British, 792 Germans, 752 Australians, and 4,498 other nationalities.


the guy should know that Islam is not a religion.
Nor ever meant to be one. You cannot fast nor do 5 daily prayers above arctic circle during summer or winter as somalis found out in Norway as sun either does not set nor rise for 3 months.

you are the same ceca repeating the nonsense ad nauseum

dr sheikh muzsaphar shukor went to space and prayed

no problems whatsoever.
