Yes I seem to see more North Indians Punjabi im Canada?Life is ok for migrant in Singapore. I can speak for an Indian white collar migrant and without prejudice I am as far removed from a blue collar migrant as any other on this forum.
Just to let you know I had a Canadian PR when I came to Sg 17 yes ago. I got the stamping after I came to Sg I think in 2006. I even got a job in Montreal via a phone interview, but decided not to take it as I just had my first one and my job here was good and I was 3.5 hours from India where my parents live. My sister who is now an American citizen and my parents tried to convince me to go to Canada but I chose my career at that point of time. I do not regret it.
I like the Asian values here as its not very different from upbringing. The number of Tamil speaking Indian made me feel more at home here than in any North Indian city ( I am Tamil speaker). Life is generally peaceful here.
Most first generation immigrants to Canada have a hard time finding jobs in their fields. And often they have to start at a lower level than those moving to Singapore.
Dont mind me asking between the Montreal offer and your SG job which paid better?
The other consideration is taxes. Quebec has some of the highest income taxes across Canada!
My personal view is that it much much more difficult for immigrants moving to Canada than it is to move to Singapore.
Any thoughts?