If wishing for a collapse of PAP is liken to winning TOTO, then I would say, let's pack up and go and let the boat sink.
Then Mr Yap, I tell you, all your so call fight for democracy will be in vain. "Rather heaven decreed so.. " but heaven's decreed need to be executor by? - Man. Heaven isn't going to sent a fire ball down @ oxley rise neither will the mother earth open up and swallow the entire ruling elites @ the padang on NDP.
Once there was a masonry. He made his living by cutting bigger rock to smaller stones. There once one tough rock he was cutting one day, as big as his house. He strike it with all his might. Nothing seems to chip the rock, not a crack not even a hairline. He worked the rock day and nights, weeks into month, and finally he gave up.
The next day, a small village boy was playing glass marbles next the site where the rock is still standing. One of the marbles, by accidental, rolled and kiss the big rock. Suddenly as if time stood still, the once big and mighty rock cracks and breaks into many, many, many small stones.
Sometimes, all we need is just one more strike to break the rock of ruling elites to break into smaller rocks. We know not when, BUT EACH STRIKE HAS TO BE AS FORCEFUL AS THE ONE BEFORE, RELENTLESSLY STRIKING THEM . EVEN THOUGH THEY STILL STAND STRONG AND SEEMINGLY UN-HARM, I WANT TO BELIEVE THE NEXT STRIKE, WILL BE IT!
Otherwise, what YOU Mr Yap and others who fought so bravely WILL BE IN VAIN, as just anyone wishing to strike TOTO... though as you said, maybe one day will.
I rather believe that the ruling elites will fall the next day than to hold on to hope that it will happen somewhere in the future. I want to believe until it come into fruition.
Keep on believing or DIE BELIEVING!