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A sudden collapse is not a good thing becos, if that happens , many PAP people would escape in A380 all in one night bringing along all secrets with them !
And what would happen to the paper- asset of 180 billions and country reserves ?
Scary right ! You must know local sporns are ignorant and lesson they learned are usually cannot be corrected!
Local sporns in fact , don’t understand what is PAP !
We must understand PAP links itself to finance, reserves, investments business, every stranglehold you can name it !
Only they know where is going on !
So a sudden kaput would surface an unrest in the streets, leading us nowhere but bloodshed !
Oppo parties cannot take over a bankrupt sinkapore ----what do sinkapore have ?---HDB flats, MRT, casinos, etc….all these are rendered useless becos they are not natural resources ! They are burdens if there is no real money moving around ---you see why so many creative taxes and fees that don’t solve root problems are here now ? If root problem is solved , then money no more right! You see the picture ?
For example---traffic jam so bad, root problem is overpopulation, if they solve it at the root, no more money right !
Sinkapore not like japan or taiwan or USA, if the ruling party of sinkapore suffers a sudden kaput, chances it may sabotage sinkapore well being !
What is best is PAP falls gradually will be a better choice for sinkapore so oppo parties can follow up each aspect cautiously !
So oppo parties should contest all wards and put their best people at wards that hopefully can win !
Remember , win one GRC, next GE got 2 GRCs will fall !
The GE agenda should focus on voters and not PAP, never fall into quarrel with PAP becos they are happy to do so .
Once quarrel happens, no need to debate and PAP wins !
Remember, local voters are mostly stupid, politely tell them they are responsible and accountable for the country reserves is also one good point !
Becos so far do the voters ask to audit the reserves ?
Voters are responsible for what is sinkapore now ! Be honest, tell these voters and not afraid to give them a jolt !
If you are offending the voters with ground facts, chances you will win votes ! This is the best gift the divine can give !
Good luck oppo parties ----may all Gods and deities be with you !