This is how i go about finding pre forclosure house is to outsouce my mass faxing to all the companies in Edmonton. In my message, i bascially tells them that i buy houses. Ask them to email me for free reports on how to get out of their problem.
A lot of real estate guru will tell you print Post card and direct mail to house owners when i do the calc. Postage= C$0.54, Cost of Card = $0.10, Time & effort to print address and tongue to lick the stamp =$0.10. It is around $C0.74/card. Mass faxing 10000 / C$200. I pick properties that i will fit my investment and the rest either i flip or ignored.
hehe, all great minds think alike.. We cant go wrong if we do what Warren Buffet says.. " Be greedy when the market is fearful".. Now that I have acquired my crappy nest.. it is time for a plastic surgery.. when the market is greedy, its time to let go.