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A bloody cup of kopi peng can cost $1.90 in food court. WTF?


Alfrescian (Inf)
$1.90 kopi peng
$4.00 kids sized bak chor mee with no soup
$5.40 "overcharged" cai png

Sinkies will just have to learn to deal with inflation. If not willing to spend then cook your own food/make your own drinks at home and then bring to work.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Nowadays, I'll just order a normal kopi which is about $1.20. A few minutes later, I'll go and ask them for ice and pay them 20 cents for it. Go back to my table and pour the kopi into the ice. Can save 50 cents.
It used to be 20cents when I was young. Price shot up so much within 1 generation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A cup of coffee at Starbucks cost over $5 many years ago. I don't see sinkies complaining about it.
Sinkies chop the seat for hours, studying for school exam. $5 kopi, worth it. You go elsewhere they charge rent for space.


Sinkies chop the seat for hours, studying for school exam. $5 kopi, worth it. You go elsewhere they charge rent for space.

Seriously, I don't understand how students can study outdoors at Mac or Starfucks. So much distractions.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Sinkies chop the seat for hours, studying for school exam. $5 kopi, worth it. You go elsewhere they charge rent for space.

Many more sinkies are just sitting at cafes, playing with their handphones while their $5 coffee remains untouched for over an hour.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You're just paying for the rent and the wages of FT workers... and guess who is the biggest landlord in Sinkieland? :wink:

The kopi o at Jalan Benaan Kapal is still 70 cents. And served in a proper traditional ceramic cup. :cool:
Ceramic cup or porcelain cup?