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A bloody cup of kopi peng can cost $1.90 in food court. WTF?


Nowadays, I'll just order a normal kopi which is about $1.20. A few minutes later, I'll go and ask them for ice and pay them 20 cents for it. Go back to my table and pour the kopi into the ice. Can save 50 cents.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You're just paying for the rent and the wages of FT workers... and guess who is the biggest landlord in Sinkieland? :wink:

The kopi o at Jalan Benaan Kapal is still 70 cents. And served in a proper traditional ceramic cup. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I always bring along a thermal flask with ice cubes as well as my own makan whenever I hang out at kopitiams. I will order a kopi and a pau there. One needs to adapt to rising prices everywhere as well as 会做人.

Byebye Penis

Kimly charged me $1.90 or $2.00 for regular sized kopi-peng or teh-peng, they got straws but refused to give me and shouted at me "protect the environment!!!". Chee bye, even hospital foodcourts provides straws because many seniors cannot drink straight from cup. Koufu also treats their customers rudely, they more interested to sell beers. these operators dominate the local kopitiam-scene.

anyway coffeeshop owners are mostly retired thugs, i also no money, so this year, i hardly bought drinks from coffeeshop (just a few times for kids). Please join me in my boycott.


Please join me in my boycott
Nowadays, I carry a water bottle with plain water wherever I go. Can top up at water coolers, etc. Seldom buy drinks outside unless absolutely necessary. Aim isn't to save money but to avoid sugar and all sorts of chemicals.

Byebye Penis

Nowadays, I carry a water bottle with plain water wherever I go. Can top up at water coolers, etc. Seldom buy drinks outside unless absolutely necessary. Aim isn't to save money but to avoid sugar and all sorts of chemicals.

In my life, 95% of my meals in kopitiams, i always buy a drink to enjoy.

Not anymore now with the recent price surge, chee-bye attitudes and no-straws.

Sweet drinks very expensive outside now, so i buy cartons of them and drink at home to save money.


Alfrescian (Inf)
In my life, 95% of my meals in kopitiams, i always buy a drink to enjoy.

Not anymore now with the recent price surge, chee-bye attitudes and no-straws.

Sweet drinks very expensive outside now, so i buy cartons of them and drink at home to save money.

Is it a real kopitiam or one that is owned by a F&B crony franchise or conglomerate?

Many daft Sinkies don't stop to think about this matter.

Those crony-owned 'kopitiams' are nothing more than glamorized non-aircon food courts.

You can see a similar trend happening in the newer 'social enterprise hawker centres'... managed by NTUC Foodfare, Fei Siong, Timbre Group or whichever highest bidder. They are deliberately muddying the waters, but daft Sinkies are too preoccupied with satiating their gluttony to notice. :biggrin:

Byebye Penis

:eek: Bro, go slow on these sweet stuff....

Aspartame in "less sugar" drinks are worse for health.



These days I just walk to the counter and buy a cup of hot water, than put my 3 in one pkt and enjoy my coffee. Big saving but I am still broke.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Any discerning coffee drinker will give those fuck up coffee shops a thumbs down. The quality of coffee is akin to drain water.

Byebye Penis

Any discerning coffee drinker will give those fuck up coffee shops a thumbs down. The quality of coffee is akin to drain water.
these days, they don't make coffee/tea peng on the spot anymore.

They leave those concentrated half-filled cups in open-air for hours, and add ice when you order them. bloody bo-xin and unhygienic. sweet drinks in room temperature inhibits bacteria growth.


Alfrescian (Inf)
these days, they don't make coffee/tea peng on the spot anymore.

They leave those concentrated half-filled cups in open-air for hours, and add ice when you order them. bloody bo-xin and unhygienic. sweet drinks in room temperature inhibits bacteria growth.

They are there to make money, not care about your health. As long as the got the 'A' or 'B' grade hygiene rating, it's all good. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Nowadays, I'll just order a normal kopi which is about $1.20. A few minutes later, I'll go and ask them for ice and pay them 20 cents for it. Go back to my table and pour the kopi into the ice. Can save 50 cents.

A cup of coffee at Starbucks cost over $5 many years ago. I don't see sinkies complaining about it.