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A Better Way of Calling Our Media


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some friends have suggested to me that in referring to the likes of Mediacorp and SPH, the term 'mainstream media' (MSM) gives them too much credit. To many of these friends, Google News, Yahoo News, TRS and even sbf are the 'mainstream'. I agree with them and thought it might be good to come up with a new way of collectively referring to the 'press' in Singapore.

Here are a few my friends and I thought up:
  • SCUM (State CUntrolled Media or State CUckolded Media)
  • SCAM (State CAstrated Media)
  • PIMP (PAPzi Instructed Media & Press)
  • WHORE (WHite Oral Rectal Express)

Please feel free to express an opinion or add to the possibilities. If there is a clear narrowing down to a few choices, I might put up a poll to choose one.

Also, do note that this is for referring to the media as a whole, and does not supercede wonderful terms referring to specific organs of the media like 'Braddell Brothel' and 'Mediacorpse'.


Alfrescian (Inf)
FYI, Google does not provide any news from its own sources. Google News is a news aggregator which aggregates news content from various sources. Some of those sources may come from SPH/Asiaone, Mediacorp etc.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thanks, we know that. Just that Google News gives us a variety that the SCUM / SCAM / PIMP / WHORE / presstitutes do not.

FYI, Google does not provide any news from its own sources. Google News is a news aggregator which aggregates news content from various sources. Some of those sources may come from SPH/Asiaone, Mediacorp etc.


How about this:

PAWS - Porlumpar Ass-licking Wannabe Sycophants


Alfrescian (Inf)
How about State Controlled & Muzzled Press i.e. SCMP. Please don't mistake it for the South China Morning Post ok!:biggrin::rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Here's what I will call the following entities:
  • the officially approved media and press, the freedom of which was recently ranked 149th - PAP Instructed Media & Press (PIMP)
  • SPH - Braddell Brothel (BB)
  • Mediacorp - Caldec**k C**ts (CC)
  • media such as the Real Singapore, TOC, etc. - Real Mainstream Media (R-MSM)

Bros here are welcome to join me.